We intend to store all Kubernetes data in a relational database (e.g., Postgres):
Note that only a kind has resources, we will create a table in the database.
This code is based on JDK 17 and Maven 3.8.3
- Flexibility. It can support all Kubernetes-based systems without extra development, such as Openshift, istio, etc.
- Usability. Developers can query what they needs using SQL.
This project is based on the following softwares.
NAME | Website | LICENSE |
client-java | https://github.com/kubesys/client-java | Apache License 2.0 |
hibernate-core | https://github.com/hibernate | Apache License 2.0 |
postgresql | https://www.postgresql.org/ | Apache License 2.0 |
rabbitmq | https://www.rabbitmq.com/ | Apache License 2.0 |
- deploy Postgres
see install
bash kubeinst init-addon postgres
go to http://IP:30307, and the parameters are:
Key | Value |
System | Postgres |
Server | or IP:30306 |
Username | postgres |
Password | onceas |
Login and create a database 'kubestack'
- deploy rabbitmq
see install
bash kubeinst init-addon rabbitmq
go to http://IP:30305, and the parameters are:
| Key | Value |
| Username | rabbitmq |
| Password | onceas |
Login and create a database 'kubestack'
3. deploy Mirror
replace yamls/kube-mirror.yaml variables, for example
- name: jdbcUrl
value: jdbc:postgresql://kube-database.kubesystem:5432/kubestack (defaultValue)
- name: jdbcUser
value: postgres (defaultValue)
- name: jdbcPwd
value: onceas (defaultValue)
- name: jdbcDriver
value: org.postgresql.Driver (defaultValue)
- name: kubeUrl
value: (defaultValue)
- name: kubeToken
value: see getToken in https://github.com/kubesys/client-java
- name: kubeRegion
value: test
- name: mqUrl
value: amqp://kube-message.kube-system:5672 (defaultValue)
- name: mqUser
value: guest (defaultValue)
- name: mqPwd
value: guest (defaultValue)
kubectl apply -f yamls/kube-mirror.yaml
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
<name>PDOS Releases</name>
- 0.1.x:support postgres
- 0.2.x:support rabbitmq
- 0.3.x:handle exceptions
- show max_connections
- select count(1) from pg_stat_activity
Pod <--> Workloads
- SELECT name, namespace, data -> 'metadata' ->> 'ownerReferences' AS value FROM pods
Pod <--> Namespace
- SELECT name, namespace FROM pods
Pod <--> PVC
- SELECT name, namespace, value FROM pods, LATERAL json_array_elements(data -> 'spec' -> 'volumes') AS value WHERE value -> 'persistentVolumeClaim' IS NOT NULL
Pod <--> ConfigMap
- SELECT name, namespace, value FROM pods, LATERAL json_array_elements(data -> 'spec' -> 'volumes') AS value WHERE value -> 'configMap' IS NOT NULL
- SELECT name, namespace, envs FROM pods, LATERAL json_array_elements(data -> 'spec' -> 'containers') AS containers, LATERAL json_array_elements(containers -> 'envFrom') AS envs WHERE envs -> 'configMapRef' IS NOT NULL;
Pod <--> Secret
- SELECT name, namespace, value FROM pods, LATERAL json_array_elements(data -> 'spec' -> 'volumes') AS value WHERE value -> 'secret' IS NOT NULL
- SELECT name, namespace, envs FROM pods, LATERAL json_array_elements(data -> 'spec' -> 'containers') AS containers, LATERAL json_array_elements(containers -> 'envFrom') AS envs WHERE envs -> 'secretRef' IS NOT NULL;
Pod <--> Node
- SELECT name, namespace, data -> 'spec' ->> 'nodeName' as node FROM pods
PV <--> PVC
- SELECT name, namespace, data -> 'spec' ->> 'claimRef' as pvc FROM persistentvolumes