Releases: kuixu/VRmol
WebXR API based
Upgraded based on the WebXR core API, which supports Chrome(>=81), Microsoft Edge (>=81), and Firefox Reality. We test on VR devices from HTC VIVE and Windows Mixed Reality.
Refine, optimize and fix bug of several functions:
Adding parsing mmCIF file format.
Adapting an API from PDBe for EMDB mapping, which provided up to date PDB and EMDB mapping.
Adding X-ray diffraction maps.
Supporting parsing uncompressed version of the density map file.
Optimizing the layout of the density map panel.
Fixing the bug of displaying a density map in VR.
Adding mutation information on the mutation ball.
Highlighting the row in mutation table when the mouse stays over the mutation ball.
Using static ball instead of blinking ball.
Optimizing the warning messages when requesting mutation.
Adding docking menu in VR. Adding downloading link of docking results.
Adding docking a user-specified drug (Currently, we only support drugs from DrugBank).
Optimizing docking menu and the effection of buttons.
Adding a mask layer for waiting for a time-consuming task, such as calculation surface, docking drug.
Solving the problem of "confusing rotation" (Gimbal Lock).
Fixing the bug of missing hydrogens.
Transforming the direction of the labels, make it face to the user.
Providing fault-tolerant for irregular PDB which lead failing to load.
Solving the disagreement of the menu between VR and NonVR.
Solving the problem of 'hard to click' in the VR menu.
Translate the Readme file for speech into English; remove the old version code of speech recognition.
Making the direction of the label to the Camera when creating a label for the humanized experience.
Optimizing javascript files.
Replacing a new stable SSL certification for the VRmol server.
Adding the VRmol logo.
Close density map panel.
Fix bug of speech function in the VR mode.