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Program of all the questions given during summer Java training

  1. WAP to accept an Array input from an User. and find the Sum of Numbers of each array.

  2. WAP to accept an Array input from an User. and find the Average of Numbers of each array.

  3. WAP to accept an Array to accept a Month number and Display the numbr of days that months has.(Eq- March- 31)

  4. WAP to assign a set of numbers in an Array and display it is Reverse.

  5. WAP to assign some values in two arrays an merge them into third array.

  6. WAP to accept 10 numbers in an array and search a given number, if the number exists display its position (index) else display a suitable message.(Linear Search)

  7. WAP to accept 5 numbers in an array and search a given number. If the number exists display its frequency else display a suitable message.

  8. WAP to accept 10 numbers in an array and search a given number, if the number exists display its position (index) else display a suitable message.(Binary Search)

  9. WAP to assign 10 numbers in an array and Sort it is ascending order using Bubble sort technique.

  10. WAP to assign 10 numbers in an array and Sort it is ascending order using Selection sort technique.

  11. WAP to accept N integers from user and Count how many of them are positive. (eq- 1, -3, 4, 7, -10)= 2

  12. WAP to accept N integers from user and find average of Even elements present in it.

  13. WAP to accept N inetegers from user and find the Largest/Smallest element in an array.

  14. WAP to accept N integers from user and find the Second largest/Second Smallest element.

  15. WAP to find the Prime numbers present in a predefined integer array.

  16. WAP to accept 10 integers in an array and display the non-repeating Array (eq- 1, 2 , 3, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3 , 5)--- 1,6,7

  17. WAP to assign 10 integers in an array and extract the even element into another array.

  18. WAP to accept 10 integers in an array and display the frequency of each Distinct element. (eq- 5,5,6,7,7,8,9,1)--- 5,6,7,8,9,1

Java String – Level-1

  1. WAP to accept a String from User and Display it Back on Screen

  2. WAP to accept the First name , Middle Name and Last Name of a person and display full name and Short Name (eq- Amar Kumar Singh- A.K.S)

  3. WAP to accept a String and Count number of Capital letters present in it.(eq- ComPuter - 2)

  4. WAP to accept a string and count number of Vowels present in it

  5. WAP to accept a string and count number of Words Present in it.(eq- Amar Singh-- 2)

  6. WAP of Java String Comparison 2 String

  7. WAP to accept a day name and display the Day number.(eq- Monday --1)

  8. WAP to accept a String and Convert the case of each alphabet present in it.(eq- JaVa---jAvA)

  9. WAP to accept word and check if it is palindrome

  10. WAP of SubString (AMAR SINGH--- R SINGH)

  11. WAP to accept a word and convert it to piglatin form(trouble --- oubletray)

  12. WAP to accept the name of a person and guess the gender based on following Table. Condition Gender Start with “mr.” Male Start with “miss” Female Start with “mrs” Married Female Ends with “Kumari” Female Else Cannot Determine

  13. WAP to accept two strings and tell which comes later in lexicographics order(dictionary order). If equal how appropriate message.

  14. WAP to replace “15 august” with “26 january” and “independence” with “republic” in the string “15 august is independence day”

  15. WAP of Trim “ hi ” ----- “hi”.

  16. WAP in java to accept 5 String/Name and Display the names that start with a Vowel

  17. WAP to accept String and Convert its individual characters to capital and Small alternately.(Amar----- aMaR)

  18. WAP to accept a String count the frequency of each alphabet in the String. banana b 1 a 2 n 2

  19. WAP to accept a String and Display it in Title Case.(eq- My name is covid----- My Name Is Covid)

  20. WAP to accept a sentence and display the words having length is greater than 5

  21. WAP to accept a sentence and extract the palindrome words.

  22. WAP to accept a sentence and display the words having double sequences.(eq- I Like Rabbit---- rabbit)

  23. WAP to accept roll no, name of 5 students and display them back on the screen in tabular form.

  24. WAP to assign 7 country names and corresponding wonder names in two separate arrays and after that search a given country name and display related wonder name.

  25. WAP to accept name, marks of five students and create merit list based on marks.


  1. WAP to print the word “JAVA” in following pattern- J JA JAV JAVA

  2. WAP to print the word “iLoVeJava” in following pattern i iLi iLoLi iLoVoLi iLoVeVoLi iLoVeJeVoLi iLoVeJaJeVoLi iLoVeJavaJeVoLi iLoVeJavavaJeVoLi

  3. WAP to print the Following Pattern C O M P U T E R O M P U T E R M P U T E R P U T E R T E R E R R

  4. WAP to display following pattern J A V A A V A j V A j a A j a v J a v a


Program of all the questions given during summer Java training







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