Development version of single-page application to learn vocabulary quickly and effectively!
Check out the demo here: Link
The fastest way to create a new quiz is open your favourite, text editor and create something like this:
Zdecyduj się - make up your mind
Czy mógłbyś wyszorować podłogę? - Could you scrub the floor?
Jak ci idzie z tym e-czytnikiem - How are you getting on with that e-reader?
powtarzać materiał do egzaminu - revise for exams
Uczyć się rzeczy na pamięć - learn things by heart
after that do Copy&Paste to Vocab+ and that's it!
- Quiz creator (manual)
- Two way of quiz: question -> answer or answer -> question
This project is based on Angular 4
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:4200
npm start
# build for production with minification
npm run-script build