This an evolving repository of codes and notebooks that I make to learn and explore topics in solid-state physics, quantum many-body theory, information, and computation. My continually updated notes on quantum computing and error correction.
- Simulation of quantum period finding algorithm.
- Numerical accuracy of the time ordered exponential for a 2-level harmonically driven system.
- Tight-binding bandstructure of 2D materials.
- Band inversion in a 2-state model.
- Tight binding band structure calculations for sp3 bonded semiconductors.
- Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model implementing an approximate optimization algorithm.
- Functions to compute continued fraction representation of a real number and vice versa.
- Decomposition of arbitrary unitary matrix into a product of
$2\times2$ unitaries: qprimitives.matrixutils. - Class for constructing operator representations in computational basis of
$n$ qubits: qprimitives.toric. - Period finding algorithm.
- Shor's factorization algorithm.
The module floquet.dyanmics implements the follwing functions:
- Matrix exponentials,
$e^{a H}$ , to construct unitary evolution operators. - Construction of the Bloch-Pierels Hamiltonian with a harmonic vector potential.
- Direct time evolution from a periodically driven Hamiltonian by Suzuki-Trotter algorithm.
- Creation of Hamiltonian over the Bloch-Floquet upto 4th order block diagonalization.
- Computation of stroboscopic energy spectrum of a periodically driven Hamiltonian.
Zinc-Blende and Diamond strucutre tight binding models for sp3 bonded semiconductors: tbm.tbzincblende
- Implementation from the textbook by Yu and Cardona along with the parameters of C, Si, and Ge from Chapter 2 [1].
- 10-band model with anti-bonding s-orbitals, presented in the seminal paper by Vogl et al. [2].
- Text file with the parameter table from [2].
Tight binding models for two-dimensional materials: tbm.tbtmdc.
- Parameters for the tight binding model of MoS2,MoSe2,WS2,and WSe2 proposed in [3]
- Tight-binding Hamiltonian of Fang et. al. decomposed by hopping vectors, so that it can be put into Bloch-Pierels form for Floquet dynamics.
Plotting utilities.
[1] Yu, Peter and Manuel Cardona, "Fundamentals of Semiconductors"
[2] Vogl, P and Hjalmarson, H and Dow, J "A SEMI-EMPIRICAL TIGHT-BINDING THEORY OF THE ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE" , I. Phys. Chom. Solids Vol. 44, No. 5. pp. 365-378, 1983. Download
[3] Fang, S., Kuate Defo, R., Shirodkar, S. N., Lieu, S., Tritsaris, G. A., & Kaxiras, E. (2015). Ab initio tight-binding Hamiltonian for transition metal dichalcogenides. Physical Review B, 92 (20).