This tool converts Caffe models to ONNX via command line (without Caffe environment).
caffe2onnx is based on previous work by htshinichi.
This is the second version of converting caffe model to onnx model. In this version, all the parameters will be transformed to tensor and tensor value info when reading .caffemodel file and each operator node is constructed directly into the type of NodeProto in onnx.
Install latest from github
pip install git+
Build and install latest from source
git clone
python install
To get started with caffe2onnx, run the caffe2onnx.convert command, providing:
- the path to your caffe prototxt,
- the path to your caffe model (not required),
- the output path of the onnx model (not required),
- frozen graph or not (not required).
python -m caffe2onnx.convert
--prototxt caffe's prototxt file path
[--caffemodel caffe's caffemodel file path]
[--onnx output onnx file path]
[--frozen frozen graph or not]
- BatchNorm
- Convolution
- Deconvolution
- Concat
- Dropout
- InnerProduct (Reshape + Gemm)
- Pooling
- Unpooling
- ReLU
- Softmax
- Eltwise
- Upsample
- Scale
- ResNet
- AlexNet
- AgeNet
- Yolo V3
- GoogleNet
- CaffeNet
- Sphereface