Content Delivery Network are growing in importance are being viewed as new class of CPSs. The objective of this project is to share an optimize recipe and a CDN reference solution based on open source frameworks. This is based on SKL-Purley platform and is a pre cursor to upcoming launch of Intel Select Solution for CDN on Cascade Lake platform.
Require Ansible 2.4 or newer
Expects NFVi-BKC (Ubuntu-16.04) Debian hosts
These playbooks deploy a implementation of various components of CDN such as
(version 7.1.5),ffmpeg
(version 1.14.0)+rtmp-module
(v1.2.0). -
To use CDN components, first edit
(hostname of nginx node for creating ssl certificate and proxy environment). This can also be done by:Please set following environment variables-
$ export CDN_DIR="Enter the path of CDN directory"
$ export http_proxy="Enter the http_proxy"
$ export https_proxy="Enter the https_proxy"
$ export hostname="Enter the hostname or IP of server"
$ printf "proxy_env\n http_proxy=\"$http_proxy\"\n https_proxy=\"$https_proxy\"\n\nhostname=\"$hostname\"\n" | sudo tee $CDN_PATH/group_vars/all
Also edit the
file that contains the hostnames/IPs and login credential of the machines on which you want these components to install. -
Ansible has host key checking enabled by default. If a host is reinstalled and has a different key in
, this will result in an error message until corrected. You can disable this behavior, you can do so by editing/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
host_key_checking = False
Alternatively this can be set by the ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING environment variable:
- Generate ssh key in the ansible machine, which we have to copy to all the remote hosts for doing deployments or configurations on them:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "username@ip_add_of_ansible_machine"
Now copy the ssh key generated to the remote hosts (Before copying the ssh key make sure that you are able to ssh the remote host where you want to copy the key):
$ ssh-copy-id remote_user@remote_ip
To set up SSH agent to avoid retyping passwords, you can do:
$ ssh-agent bash
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
For more detail about ansible setup refer link Getting Started Ansible.
- Now as we have setup our
file and other configurations are done, lets try pinging all the servers listed in theinventory
$ ansible -i inventory all -m ping
If pinging get successfull, then we are good and can go further :)
- For running the playbook go inside CDN directory where you have
etc., should be present. The ansible playbook command is given below:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory CDN.yml --become -K
here -K, ask for privilege escalation password
When the playbook run complete, the CDN components will be installed successfully on the target machines.
script provided will install the ansible and configure the target machines.
First make the script executable and then run in same directory like:
$ chmod +x
$ ./
- Script will install the dependencies required for ansible, and ansible version 2.7.1.
- It will also generate the ssh key in ansible machine (where ansible is installing) for this it will prompt for IP address username of ansible machine.
- Now it will prompt for how many target machines you want to configure.
- Then you have to enter the username and IP address of the target machines one by one, so that ssh key will successfully copied to these target machines.
If you are using script for installing ansible then you don't need to generate and copy ssh key manually.
Apache Traffic Server is a high-performance web proxy cache that improves network efficiency and
performance by caching frequently-accessed information at the edge of the network. This role install
and configure the apache traffic server from source. After CDN.yml
run completes, you can start the
trafficserver using start_ats.yml
, before starting trafficserver you need to edit the remap.config
in target machine at /opt/ats/etc/trafficserver/remap.config
, edit the IP and port of your server, you can also edit
, records.config
as well as other config files accordingly in target machines at /opt/ats/etc/trafficserver/*
This Playbook will copy the optimal config files to target machines, if you want to edit any of config file
you can do in target machine at /opt/ats/etc/trafficserver/*
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory start_ats.yml --become -K
If you have made any changes in config files and want to restart the trafficserver then run the
, like:
ansible-playbook -i inventory stop_ats.yml --become -K
Then start the trafficserver using start_ats.yml
vars directory contains the variable that are used in tasks/main.yml
handlers directory contains the handlers that are triggers by notify in tasks/main.yml
template directory contains the config files that will be copied to target machines
NGINX is server for web serving, media streaming. In addition to its HTTP and HTTPS server capabilities. nginx+rtmp-module Media streaming, http and https. This role install and configure the nginx+rtmp-module server from source.
This Playbook will copy the optimal nginx.conf files to target machines, if you want to make changes in conf
file you can do that at /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
After CDN.yml run completes, you can start the nginx using start_nginx.yml
inside nginx role, like:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory start_nginx.yml --become -K
If you made any changes in conf files and want to restart the nginx then run the stop_nginx.yml
, like:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory stop_nginx.yml --become -K
Then start the nginx using start_ats.yml
like above.
vars directory contains the variable that are used in tasks/main.yml
handlers directory contains the handlers that are triggers by notify in tasks/main.yml
template directory contains the conf file that will be copied to target machines
FFmpeg is a command line tool for video and audio transcoding for both live and static content. This role install and configure the ffmpeg from source. ffmpeg is a very fast video and audio converter that can also grab from a live audio/video source. It can also convert between arbitrary sample rates and resize video on the fly with a high quality polyphase filter.
This playbook will configure following codecs:
- H.264 (libx264) video encoder
- H.265 (libx265) video encoder
- AV1 (libaom) video encoder/decoder
- VP8/VP9 (libvpx) video encoder/decoder
- AAC (libfdk-aac) audio encoder
- MP3 (libmp3lame) audio encoder
- Opus (libopus) audio decoder and encoder
For running the ffmpeg, go to localtion where input files are stored and run the ffmpeg command with or without codec:
$ ffmpeg -i InputVideo.mpg ...[video options] [audio options] [output]
For more detail, please refer manual page of ffmpeg:
$ man ffmpeg
The Scalable Video Technology for HEVC Encoder (SVT-HEVC Encoder) is an HEVC-compliant encoder library core
that achieves excellent density-quality tradeoffs, and is highly optimized for Intel Xeon Scalable
Processor and on D processors.
This role install ans build the SVT-HEVC from source.
- For running SVT copy the binary (
) from /opt/SVT-HEVC/Bin/Release to any location of your choice. - Change the permissions on the sample application
executable by running the command:
$ chmod +x HevcEncoderApp
- cd into your chosen location
- Run the sample application to encode.
- Sample application supports reading from pipe.Eg.
$ ffmpeg -i [input.mp4] -nostdin -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p - |
./HevcEncoderApp -i stdin -n [number_of_frames_to_encode] -w [width] -h [height]
For any query and suggestion please drop mail at
Amruta Misra (
Pushpendra Kumar (