Author: Kunaal Gupta
Programming Lanaguage: Solidity
Description: An Ethereum-based dApp using Solidity smart contract which allows multiple parties to involve in bidding on various digital assets
- EThereum Blockchain
- Soldity Programming Language
- Smart Contracts
- DApp
- Transaction
- Assets transfer
Included Files:
- .deps
- .git
- artifacts
- contracts
- scripts
- swarm
- tests
- Auction
About Files
- The 'scripts' folder has four typescript files which help to deploy the 'Storage' contract using 'web3.js' and 'ethers.js'.
- The 'contracts' folder has three contracts with increasing levels of complexity.
- In the 'tests' folder there is one Solidity test file for 'Ballot' contract & one JS test file for 'Storage' contract.
- For the deployment of any other contract, just update the contract's name from 'Storage' to the desired contract and provide constructor arguments accordingly in the file
Running Instructions : To run a script, right click on file name in the file explorer and click 'Run'. Remember, Solidity file must already be compiled. Output from script will appear in remix terminal. Please note, require/import is supported in a limited manner for Remix supported modules. For now, modules supported by Remix are ethers, web3, swarmgw, chai, multihashes, remix and hardhat only for hardhat.ethers object/plugin. For unsupported modules, an error like this will be thrown: '<module_name> module require is not supported by Remix IDE' will be shown.
Software Used:
- Remix IDE
- Etherium Docs
- Solidity Documentaion
- Remix’s documentation
Github Profile:
Feedback: If you have any feedback or issue(s), please reach out to me at