1: Install MAMP server 2: Go to Php my admin page , create a new database name should be in small letter. 3: go to priviliage part , set new password as "root" save this. 4: Drag and drop the php file folder in Htdocs folder. 5: you can take refrence from : https://www.positronx.io/create-simple-php-crud-rest-api-with-mysql-php-pdo/
Please drop DBCode folder in Htdocs folder of MAMP & open config folder & edit database.php with new db name & password
Start your MAMP server , open you mac setting , click on network where you get your ip address you can use this to access on other system if all are connected to same network.
ex: Wi-Fi is connected to Kunal’s iPhone and has the IP address use :
PDO("mysql:host=localhost;port=8889;dbname=phpapidb", "root", "root");
port=8889 : it is your SQL Port number.