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arcgen is a tool that generates methods that return information such as DB table names and column names from Go struct tags.


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arcgen is a tool that generates methods that return information such as DB table names and column names from Go struct tags.


$ # == 1. Prepare your annotated model source code ================================
$ cat <<"EOF" > /tmp/sample.go
package sample

// User is a user model struct.
//db:table Users
type User struct {
    ID   int64  `db:"Id"   ddlspanner:"STRING(36)  NOT NULL" pk:"true"`
    Name string `db:"Name" ddlspanner:"STRING(255) NOT NULL"`
    Age  int64  `db:"Age"  ddlspanner:"INT64       NOT NULL"`

// Group is a group model struct.
type Group struct {
    ID          int64  `db:"Id"          ddlspanner:"STRING(36)   NOT NULL" pk:"true"`
    Name        string `db:"Name"        ddlspanner:"STRING(255)  NOT NULL"`
    Description string `db:"Description" ddlspanner:"STRING(2048) NOT NULL"`

$ # == 2. generate file ================================
$ arcgen --go-method-name-table TableName --go-method-name-columns ColumnNames --go-method-prefix-column ColumnName_ --go-slice-type-suffix Slice /tmp/sample.go
INFO: 2023/11/12 03:56:59 arcgen.go:33: source: /tmp/sample.go

$ # == 3. Check generated file ================================
$ cat /tmp/sample.db.gen.go
// Code generated by arcgen. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: tmp/sample.go

package sample

func (s *User) TableName() string {
    return "User"

type UserSlice []*User

func (s UserSlice) TableName() string {
    return "User"

func (s *User) ColumnNames() []string {
    return []string{"Id", "Name", "Age"}

func (s *User) ColumnName_ID() string {
    return "Id"

func (s *User) ColumnName_Name() string {
    return "Name"

func (s *User) ColumnName_Age() string {
    return "Age"

func (s UserSlice) ColumnNames() []string {
    return []string{"Id", "Name", "Age"}

func (s UserSlice) ColumnName_ID() string {
    return "Id"

func (s UserSlice) ColumnName_Name() string {
    return "Name"

func (s UserSlice) ColumnName_Age() string {
    return "Age"

func (s *Group) ColumnNames() []string {
    return []string{"Id", "Name", "Description"}

func (s *Group) ColumnName_ID() string {
    return "Id"

func (s *Group) ColumnName_Name() string {
    return "Name"

func (s *Group) ColumnName_Description() string {
    return "Description"

func (s GroupSlice) ColumnNames() []string {
    return []string{"Id", "Name", "Description"}

func (s GroupSlice) ColumnName_ID() string {
    return "Id"

func (s GroupSlice) ColumnName_Name() string {
    return "Name"

func (s GroupSlice) ColumnName_Description() string {
    return "Description"


pre-built binary

LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -ISs | tr -d '\r' | awk -F/ '/location:/{print $NF}')
OS=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
ARCH=$(uname -m)

# Check URL
echo "${URL}"

# Download
curl -fLROSs "${URL}"

# Unzip
unzip -j arcgen_${LATEST_VERSION}_${OS}_${ARCH}.zip '*/arcgen'

go install

go install


$ arcgen --help
    arcgen [OPTIONS] [FILE or DIR ...]

    Generate methods that return information such as DB table names and column names from Go struct tags.

    --version (default: false)
        show version information and exit
    --trace (env: ARCGEN_TRACE, default: false)
        trace mode enabled
    --debug (env: ARCGEN_DEBUG, default: false)
        debug mode
    --lang (env: ARCGEN_LANGUAGE, default: go)
        programming language to generate DDL
    --go-column-tag (env: ARCGEN_GO_COLUMN_TAG, default: db)
        column annotation key for Go struct tag
    --go-method-name-table (env: ARCGEN_METHOD_NAME_TABLE, default: TableName)
        method name for table
    --go-method-name-columns (env: ARCGEN_METHOD_NAME_COLUMNS, default: ColumnNames)
        method name for columns
    --go-method-prefix-column (env: ARCGEN_METHOD_PREFIX_COLUMN, default: ColumnName_)
        method prefix for column name
    --go-slice-type-suffix (env: ARCGEN_SLICE_TYPE_SUFFIX, default: )
        suffix for slice type
    --help (default: false)
        show usage


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