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Get Popular Posts

Takahashi Fumiki edited this page Sep 24, 2021 · 1 revision

GaComunicator->popular_posts() method and it's syntax sugar ga_communicator_popular_posts() will:

  1. Request page views and path information from Analytics Reporting API.
  2. Convert path information to post ID.
  3. Query posts with IDs and returns WP_Query object.

With this method, you can get popular posts in WordPress way.



An array merged into new WP_Query( $query ). If you need just post type faq, $query is like below:

$query = [
	'post_type' => 'faq',


An array of conditions to filter results. Default is defined inside code like below:

$conditions = [
	'path_regexp' => $this->get_permalink_filter(), // Default is permalink structure.
	'number'      => 10, // Post count.
	'days_before' => 30,
	'offset_days' => 0,
	'start'       => '',
	'end'         => '',

To get posts well visited in recent 7 days(e.g. weekly ranking), specify days_before. offset_days works as an adjustment.

// Get Sun-Mon last week ranking.
$contiond = [
	'days_before' => 7,
	'offset_days' => date_i18n( 'w' ), // Set origin to Sunday.

If you need a list of popular posts in a specific range(e.g. Olympic year), specify start and end in YYYY-mm-dd.

$conditions = [
	'start' => '2020-06-01', // As you know, this hasn't actually happen.
	'end'   => '2020-08-31',


Let's get popular posts post_type=faq in recent 7 days.

$query = \Kunoichi\GaCommunicator::get_instance()->popular_posts( [
	'post_type' => 'faq',
], [
	'path_regexp' => '^/faq/[0-9]+/$', // Regular expression to filter path.
	'number'      => 10, // Number of posts.
	'days_before' => 7, // Recent 7 days.
] );
if ( $query ) {
	while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
		// You can do things in WordPress way.
		get_template_part( 'template-parts/loop', get_post_type() );

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