This plugin demonstrates how we can use custom code to manage custom permissions.
Let's assume that we have an application in which we do not want to allow non-admin users to view, update or delete other user's items.
Run assertCanUpdate before the request:
- fetch the document we want to update or delete, to check its metadata
- allow the request if the author of the document is current user
- deny the request otherwise
Run addQueryFilter before the request:
- inject a filter to the elasticsearch query to filter document owned by current user.
Run assertCanRead after the request:
- check the metadata of the document given by the request's response
- allow the request and send back the response if the author of the document is current user
- deny the request and send back an
response otherwise
Run filterMgetResult after the request:
- iterate through the response results
- keep only the documents which author is current user.
Clone this repository locally and make it accessible from the plugins/enabled
directory relative to the Kuzzle installation directory. A common practice is to put the code of the plugin in plugins/available
and create a symbolic link to it in plugins/enabled
Note. If you are running Kuzzle within a Docker container, you will need to mount the local plugin installation directory as a volume in the container.
Please refer to the Guide for further instructions on how to install Kuzzle plugins.