filur is a CLI application for searching log files.
Use the package manager pip to install filur.
filur works by processing a playbook defined by the user. Each playbook can be configured to parse multiple log files and each of them with custom patterns. An example playbook is shown below, with comments to describe additional properties as well as descriptions of each parameter.
- file: "/home/kverqus/syslog"
order_by: "weight" # "weight" or "none" (default). Optional
direction: "forward" # "forward" (default) or "reverse". Optional
rows: 400 # number of rows to process. All rows are processed if not specified. Optional
- pattern: "DHCPREQUEST" # the pattern the row will be searched for
type: "string" # "string" or "regex"
weight: 20 # all matched patterns will have their weight combined
- pattern: "x-pid"
type: "string"
weight: 50
operator: "KEYWORD" # "OR" (default if not specified), "AND", "NOT" or "KEYWORD". The "KEYWORD"
# operator will only be evaluated on already matched rows
- pattern: '"\d+"' # regex pattern
type: "regex"
weight: 20
type: "html" # "html", "json" or "console". "html" and "json" expects path to be specified
path: "/home/kverqus/output.html"
overwrite: true # if already existing file should be overwritten. Optional
kverqus@serenity:~# filur --playbook syslog.yaml