Releases: kwhitley/itty-router
Release v5.0.18
See v5.0.18 CHANGELOG entry for notes
Release v5.0.17
See v5.0.17 CHANGELOG entry for notes
Release v5.0.16
See v5.0.16 CHANGELOG entry for notes
Release v5.0.13
see CHANGELOG for notes
itty-router v5
This represents a large shift in the ecosystem. While mostly backwards compatible, a few small tweaks will be needed to swap in the new Router
or AutoRouter
See for migration guide and details.
Changes in v5
to enable cleaner exports. - BREAKING
has been replaced with the improvedcors()
(type) has been replaced withRequestHandler
. - added previous
is now preserved asIttyRouter
. - added new
(backwards-compatible) adds support for stages. - added new batteries-included
adds default settings toRouter
. - added TypeScript support has been improved in all of the routers, allowing router-level generics AND route-level generic overrides in the same router.
This is an extensive v4.x update, bringing a series of quality of life additions, as well as a potentially breaking change for TypeScript users:
!Breaking Changes!
TYPES HAVE CHANGED FOR THE ROUTER. The core TypeScript and exposed types for the Router itself have been completely retooled to allow much better, strong type support throughout your routes. Previously this required complex custom setups to work around the lack of internal typing. Now it's included out of the box, but you'll need to follow the instructions.
This was not an easy change to commit to, but was long overdue. The solution finally settled on allows for a more flexible (yet boiler-platey) approach, or a more rigid one... but allows for many more scenarios than the previous types did.
Other Changes
- added: nearly all the extras from itty-router-extras have moved in-house to the core library. This library will be deprecated as a result.
- added:
from itty-cors has moved into the core library as well - feature:
middleware (previously from itty-router-extras) is now possible to use as upstream middleware (e.g. globally) to reduce boilerplate. Previously this was not possible.
Official Documentation Site
We've just launched a to house documentation for all the itty projects going forward. Previously, we auto-generated docs from the README, but clearly the documentation needs far outweighed what could feasibly fit within a single long README. See the itty-router section for more details!
See the migration guide for complete details.
Notable Changes
- preserve existing signature (no second param) to matching any existing introspection schemes - maybe cost a few characters, but it's a bit more future-proof/robust to potential future options we add.
- Router
are now:base?: string
- optional base pathroutes?: any[]
- optional array of routes (for introspection or preloading with advanced regex)- unrelated: adds a bit of added interface for the internal
definition to address #47 - unrelated: export TS interfaces to address #38
- thanks to the @taralx refactor, we can now support preloading routes, which means those rare edge cases of crazy regex (previously not possible) requirements, can now be force-fed into the router (at config stage, or even after... also thanks to the more exposed
array. Pretty sick!
Example of manual loading routes:
// EXAMPLE 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
it('allows preloading advanced routes', async () => {
const basicHandler = jest.fn(req => req.params)
const customHandler = jest.fn(req => req.params)
const router = Router({
routes: [
[ 'GET', /^\/test\.(?<x>[^/]+)\/*$/, [basicHandler] ],
[ 'GET', /^\/custom-(?<custom>\d{2,4})$/, [customHandler] ], // match 2 to 4 digits only
await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/test.a.b' }))
expect(basicHandler).toHaveReturnedWith({ x: 'a.b' })
await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/custom-12345' }))
expect(customHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() // custom route mismatch
await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/custom-123' }))
expect(customHandler).toHaveReturnedWith({ custom: '123' }) // custom route hit
// EXAMPLE 2 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
it('allows loading advanced routes after config', async () => {
const handler = jest.fn(req => req.params)
const router = Router()
// allows manual loading (after config)
router.routes.push([ 'GET', /^\/custom2-(?<custom>\w\d{3})$/, [handler] ])
await router.handle(buildRequest({ path: '/custom2-a456' }))
expect(handler).toHaveReturnedWith({ custom: 'a456' }) // custom route hit
DISCUSSION: If we change r
to routes
, and prevent the prebuild.js from mangling it, the filesize does grow (405b --> 409b), but so does the legibility around this weird introspection. Thoughts? I'm all for absolute minimum filesize, but... legibility. Torn. Don't think we would have to count the decision on this one as a breaking change (if we opt for "routes"), because the existing pattern isn't documented, and is hopefully only used in debugging patterns at most. Regardless of the path chosen here, documentation will be added to disclose this functionality.
UPDATE: unless there's strong objection, I'm opting for readability over ultimate filesize... router.routes
it is
Filesize Comparison (pretty sure this includes the type declaration, so appears artificially inflated a bit)
- current:
- @next ("routes"):
- @next ("r"):
Migrating from 1.x to 2.x
TLDR; Most people will not be affected at all and can upgrade without issue
In 2.x, itty changed the handling of the *all channel from executing before all other methods (effectively an upstream catch-all method), to handling in-order like all other routes, just bypassing the method match (therefore matching any method type). While this could technically be considered a fix, the behavior COULD have been planned around intentionally in the previous release, thus the need for a breaking change/major release.
The following example demonstrates the changes in the all channel execution:
.all('*', middleware) // applied before
.get('/foo', () => new Response('middleware is applied'))
// is equivalent to this "backwards" example, because the "all" is executed first
.get('/foo', () => new Response('middleware is applied'))
.all('*', middleware) // applied before, despite being registered afterwards
// leading to this weird behavior... where a final "catch-all" will in fact intercept all previous routes...
.all('*', middleware) // still applies first...
.get('/foo', () => new Response('This route will NEVER match... RIP.'))
.all('*', () => new Response('Not found', { status: 404 })) // will catch everything before the previous line
.all('*', middleware) // still applies first...
.get('/foo', () => new Response('This route WILL properly match! woohoo!... RIP'))
.all('*', () => new Response('Not found', { status: 404 })) // will only catch if no previous match... as expected.
- Added single config option to
Router({ base: '/some/path' })
for route prefixing - Verified wildcards work in the middle of path (e.g.
- trailing wildcards (often used in middleware or for sub routers) now properly routes without requiring trailing slash (e.g.
should match/foo