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API Reference Nest API

Roland Schläfli edited this page May 21, 2020 · 1 revision

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The nest-api provides the following requests to:

  • Fetch metadata and the poster of a random movie
  • Fetch metadata and the poster of a specific movie
  • Optionally, get n random movies different from the random/specific movie
  • Score a "poster guessing" question
  • Score a "bonus" question

All requests should be made to the /graphql endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:3000/graphql).

Fetching a specific or random movie

Parameter Type Default Description
imdbId string - Optional. IMDb ID, uniquely identifies a movie.
randomMovies field - Optional. Specifies that one or multiple additional random movie(s) should be returned.
num int 1 Optional. Specifies how many additional random movies should be returned.
differentReleaseYear boolean false Optional. Specifies whether the random movie(s) should have a different release year than the specified one.


  • If imdbId is used, a specific movie is returned. If the parameter is not added, a random movie is returned.
  • If randomMovies is added but no num is specified, one additional random movie is returned. randomMovies can completely be omitted, so that no additional random moves are returned.
  • If differentReleaseYear is added but no imdbId is specified, differentReleaseYear will not be considered.



query {
  movie(imdbId: "tt1431045") {
    imdbId title releaseYear posterPath
    randomMovies(num: 3, differentReleaseYear: true) { imdbId title releaseYear posterPath }


  "data": {
    "movie": {
      "imdbId": "tt1431045",
      "title": "Deadpool",
      "releaseYear": 2016,
      "posterPath": "",
      "randomMovies": [
          "imdbId": "tt1318514",
          "title": "Rise of the Planet of the Apes",
          "releaseYear": 2011,
          "posterPath": ""
          "imdbId": "tt0076759",
          "title": "Star Wars",
          "releaseYear": 1977,
          "posterPath": ""
          "imdbId": "tt3896198",
          "title": "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2",
          "releaseYear": 2017,
          "posterPath": ""

Get scores for a "poster guessing" question

Parameter Type Description
imdbId string IMDb ID, uniquely identifies a movie. This is the id of the blurred poster that was shown.
selectedTitle string The title that was selected as the answer.
remainingSeconds int The number of remaining seconds when the player tapped the screen to guess the movie title.



query {
    imdbId: "tt1431045",
    selectedTitle: "Deadpool",
    remainingSeconds: 5


If the player scores zero points, the answer is incorrect and therefore one life is deducted.

  "data": {
    "scoreTitleResponse": 500

Get scores for a "bonus" question

Parameter Type Description
imdbIds [string] IMDb IDs, uniquely identifying movies. Ordered by release year in increasing order.*
titleQuestionScores int The points scored in the "poster guessing" question.

* This means that the player choses the order of the movie releases. The imdbIds are then sent to the API in this order. The API then checks whether they are sorted by their release years in increasing order.



query {
    imdbIds: ["tt0145487", "tt0468569", "tt1431045"],
    titleQuestionScores: 350


If the answer is correct, the points are doubled. If the answer is incorrect, no points are awarded.

  "data": {
    "scoreBonusResponse": 700