Warning This is work in progress
A web API for collecting app error events (BugSnag lite).
The API will support registering and retrieving app error events as well as setting up webhooks to facilitate event notification to other apps.
The purpose of the API is not to be used as a log but rather just a notification system so some sort of event cleanup functionality will also be added at some point.
Dotnet client implementation Kwtc.ErrorMonitoring.Client
- Containerization
- API key authorization (simple)
- Post error events
- Post single error event
- Request error events
- Get single event by identifier
- Get all events by client and app identifier
- Update error events
- Update status for error event
- API versioning
- Support webhooks
- Event cleanup system
This section will contain info related the implementation and configuration of the API.
This is very much a work in progress and the current implementation may not reflect this model, but the model will always be the most up to date.
Application {
char(36) Id
varchar(512) Name
Client {
char(36) Id
varchar(512) Name
char(36) ApiKey
Event {
char(36) Id
char(36) ClientId
char(36) ApplicationId
varchar(512) ExceptionType
int Severity
bit IsHandled
datetime CreatedAt
Exception {
int Id
char(36) EventId
varchar(512) Type
text Message
Trace {
int Id
int ExceptionId
varchar(512) File
varchar(512) Method
int LineNumber
Event ||--|{ Client : "has"
Event ||--|{ Application : "has"
Event ||--|{ Exception : "has"
Exception ||--|{ Trace : "has multiple"
Client ||--|{ Application : "has multiple"
A docker compose file is provided that spins up a MySQL 8 environment, creates a database with a root user and password and executes an sql initialization file which is also provided, that creates tables matching the domain models.
Simply install Docker and run the following terminal command in the /database folder:
docker compose up
A MySQL connection factory is registered by default and requires a connection string to be defined in appsettings.
var connection = new MySqlConnection(this.configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"));
See example in appsettings.Development.json
it is configured to work with the development database defined in the docker configuration.
The project is configured to use central package management so Nuget package versions are defined in the Directory.Packages.props
file in the root of the project.
Containerization is supported through Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers so to build an image and subsequently run the image in Docker simply execute the following commands:
dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 -p:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer
If you are developing in a Linux environment you may need to throw in a sudo depending on your configuration.
docker run -p 5000:80 kwtc-errormonitoring-api:1.0.0
This will only containerize and run the API so you will need to manually configure how to access the database depending on your setup.
Very basic API key authorization without roles is supported through the custom [Authorization]
attribute. Requests to a decorated endpoint are required to contain a x-api-key
header with a guid that is then used to lookup a client in the DB, if a client is found then you are authorized (which basically just makes it authentication I guess).
Although not super important for the project API versioning is supported using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning.ApiExplorer (because I wanted to play around with it). The ApiControllerBase
class defines a base route with versioning which applies the version from the required [ApiVersion]
class attribute. This does however pose the limitation that derived controllers can't define a route prefix on a class level, because it would override the versioning.
Swagger documentation of versions is automatically generated.