Dear participants, I am defining some basic requirments that I need you to fullfil before the workshop as well as some basic questions I need you to answer. Like that I will be hopefully able to prepare the right content for you. ROS is very powerful and very flexible although it is of course not a golden bullet. It gives you a basic communication framework and it has a lot of packages that will make your life easy. Some of the packages we will cover during the workshop (I am open to suggestions). Please try to prepare a problem or project (your thesis, seminar project etc.) for which you would like to use ROS for. Some examples:
- I would like my robot swarm to be able to communicate their position to each other.
- I want to collect a sensor data from numerous different sensors and interprent the data.
- I want to be able to communicate with a KUKA arm and visualize its position in a Unity app.
The workshop will be divided into three parts:
- I will summarize the basic ROS functionalit in a short presentatins and we will go over your problems and questions that arised during your preparation.
- We will write some simple ROS nodes together and go over a communication with some common hardware and software platforms (Grasshopper, Arduino, Unity etc.)
- We will go over your projects and try to develop a solution for your problems (or at least I will try to point you in a right direction)
You can work in groups during the workshop but I need you to answer the following questions on your own (be honest please):
How well do you know python?
- I know that python is a kind of snake
- I tried to do some scripting in Rhino but it is not my thing
- I am comfortable using Python for handling geometry in Rhino/Grasshopper
- I am writing basic scripts using external libraries even outside Rhino/Grasshopper environment
- I know how Python works, I know the ups and downs of python interpreter and I know when to use egg, spam and ham.
Can you work with Unix-like OS (OS X, GNU/Linux, etc.)?
- Unix who?? OS what?
- I know GNU/Linux or OS X but I've never really worked with it.
- I am used to work with Unix-like OS but I rarelly interface with the system through the terminal.
- I am using Unix-like OS regularly as my dev environment.
- I know that GNU's not unix and I know how to exit Vim. In fact I am using Windows only because I have to.
Are you a good programer?
- Nope sorry. My experties lies somewhere else.
- I am ok with writing simple programs and scripts I guess.
- I know quite well at least one programing language and I know how to write a proper object oriented program.
- I know several programing languages and I know how when to use which. Most of the common design patterns are known to me.
- I am well respected on stack overflow. Nuff said.
What platforms I want to use with ROS? (you can specify up to three of them)
- Grasshopper
- Arduino
- Raspberry Pi
- Unity
- Other (specify)
Please send the projects proposals and answers to me as soon as possible.
The preferred setup is the one I will be using during the workshop on my computer. If you want to use some other setup (Raspberry Pi, differen GNU/Linux flavor etc.) you are welcome to do so but don't expect my support if things don't work as they should.
Install ROS
- Install the newest version of Oracle's VirtualBox for your host including the extension pack:
- Install the latest Ubuntu LTS version (Bionic Beaver):
- If you are lost here is a good step by step installation guide (allocate at least 16gb on your hard drive):
- Install the latest Desktop-Full ROS LTS version (Melodic Morenia). Don't be scared if you don't understand the process completely, just copy paste the commands in the terminal:
- Create ROS workspace:
- Install catkin_tools:
Install Visual Studio Code:
- Install VSCode for Ubuntu from a .deb package (substitute the .deb with the actual name of the deb package that you downloaded):
- Open VSCode and install the following extensions (how to install extensions:
- Python:
- ROS:
- GitHub:
- CMake:
- If you want the exact same look as mine then download the following color and icon theme:
Additional linux packages and setup: vim, screen, python-pip, ros-melodic-rosserial-arduino sudo pip install virtualenv mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
- M. Quigley et al., “ROS: an open-source Robot Operating System,” ICRA Work. open source Softw., vol. 3, no. 3.2, p. 5, 2009.
- J. M. O’Kane, A gentle introduction to ROS, no. 2.1.3. 2016.
- E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley, 1994.
- On a second thought this book is a bit too complex and require some knowledge of programing.
- ROS Tutorial page:
Uderstand the following terms:
- client-server model
- peer-to-peer model
- publisher-subscriber messaging pattern
- request-reply messaging pattern