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Tippecanoe Lambda layer


I've currently uploaded layers to four regions in the U.S. These layers include binaries for tippecanoe and tile-join. If you want other binaries, uncomment the cp lines at the end of the Dockerfile.

Region ARN
us-east-1 arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:961053664803:layer:tippecanoe-lambda:1
us-east-2 arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:961053664803:layer:tippecanoe-lambda:1
us-west-1 arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:961053664803:layer:tippecanoe-lambda:1
us-west-2 arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:961053664803:layer:tippecanoe-lambda:1

To use them, just include the layer ARN of the same region as your function. The binaries are then located in /opt. So to call Tippecanoe from Python, you can do

from subprocess import run
cmd = ['/opt/tippecanoe', '--version']
r = run(cmd, capture_output=True)
# tippecanoe v1.35.0

These layers were generated from the Tippecanoe master branch on 2020-03-03, from commit ddb7993.


To build the Docker image:

git clone
cd tippecanoe-lambda
export VERSION="0.1.0"
# You can change this tag if you'd like
# Just make sure you provide the same tag below
docker build . -t "kylebarron/tippecanoe-lambda:$VERSION"

Then use img2lambda to extract the lambda layer. (Note, really all this does is extract the binaries from the docker image. It's probably easier to just export the binary artifacts from the Docker step above, but I didn't take time to figure out how to do that. PRs welcome.) You can download binaries from its Github releases page.

# Export zip files to output/layer*.zip
img2lambda \
    --image "kylebarron/tippecanoe-lambda:$VERSION" \
    --image-type docker \

img2lambda extracts each binary into a separate zip file, but I'd prefer to have them combined them into one. The following just unzips the binaries in each zip file and merges them.

cd output
# Extracts `tile-join`
unzip '*.zip'
# Creates
zip tippecanoe-lambda tile-join tippecanoe

Now use the AWS CLI to upload a new lambda layer. Choose the desired region.

# Still in output/
export REGION="us-east-1"
aws lambda publish-layer-version \
        --region "$REGION" \
        --layer-name tippecanoe-lambda \
        --description "Tippecanoe lambda layer" \
        --zip-file fileb:// \
        --license-info "BSD-2-Clause"
# Make public
# From
aws lambda add-layer-version-permission \
    --region "$REGION" \
    --layer-name tippecanoe-lambda \
	--statement-id public \
    --version-number 1 \
    --principal '*' \
	--action lambda:GetLayerVersion


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