Building a model for prediction on Black Friday sales dataset
A retail company “ABC Private Limited” wants to understand the customer purchase behavior (specifically, purchase amount) against various products of different categories. They have shared purchase summary of various customers for selected high volume products from last month. The data set also contains customer demographics (age, gender, marital status, city_type, stay_in_current_city), product details (product_id and product category) and Total purchase_amount from last month.
Column ID | Column Name | Data type | Description | Masked |
0 | User_ID | int64 | Unique Id of customer | False |
1 | Product_ID | object | Unique Id of product | False |
2 | Gender | object | Sex of customer | False |
3 | Age | object | Age of customer | False |
4 | Occupation | int64 | Occupation code of customer | True |
5 | City_Category | object | City of customer | True |
6 | Stay_In_Current_City_Years | object | Number of years of stay in city | False |
7 | Marital_Status | int64 | Marital status of customer | False |
8 | Product_Category_1 | int64 | Category of product | True |
9 | Product_Category_2 | float64 | Category of product | True |
10 | Product_Category_3 | float64 | Category of product | True |
11 | Purchase | int64 | Purchase amount | False |
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Sckit-learn
- pandas-profiling
- Seaborn
- matplotlib