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PostgreSQL RDS (with multi-AZ and read-replica) on AWS using Terraform

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Another Terraform challenge! This time, I'm sharing how to provision a PostgreSQL RDS setup on AWS, with Multi-AZ and a read-replica. Once completed, you will be able to access this database using DBeaver.

1. Preparing the environment and VPC

As usual, contains data on the cloud services provider and region, has all variables from code declared, and has all data to avoid hardcoding. Apart from those, an file will be necessary for credentials.

Instead of provisioning several resources depending on another top VPC resource, I decided to use a module for the VPC. Thankfully, provisioning subnets is already done in this block of code.

I also set up a data source to fetch the list of availability zones related to the region defined on the file.
data "aws_availability_zones" "azs" {
  all_availability_zones = true

  filter {
    name   = "opt-in-status"
    values = ["opt-in-not-required"]

module "vpc" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
  version = "2.77.0"

  name = var.vpcName
  cidr = var.vpcCIDRBlock
  azs = data.aws_availability_zones.azs.names
  private_subnets = var.privSubCIDRBlocks #must be set as list(string) type on
  public_subnets = var.pubSubCIDRBlocks #must be set as list(string) type on
  enable_dns_hostnames = true
  enable_dns_support = true

2. Create subnet and security groups

To create the subnet group (that is, a collection of subnets) for the database, the aws_db_subnet_group is the proper resource to be used. This subnet group uses subnets created by the ourDBVPC module.

In our scenario, the subnet_ids must point to the public subnets of the module, so we could test it using DBeaver. However, that's not good practice and it should point to private in production environments.

This resource will be used to avoid Terraform creating RDS instances on the default VPC.
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "ourDBSubGroup" {
  name = var.ourDBSubGroupName
  subnet_ids = module.vpc.public_subnets

A security group must also be provisioned:
resource "aws_security_group" "ourDBSecG" {
  name = var.ourDBSecGName
  vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id

  ingress {
    from_port = 5432
    to_port = 5432
    protocol = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

3. Create the database instance and parameter group

To configure the RDS instance on a database-level, a parameter group is required. To create it, a specific aws_db_parameter_group resource must be used:
resource "aws_db_parameter_group" "ourDBParamGroup" {
  name   = var.ourDBParamGroupName
  family = var.ourDBParamGroupFamily

  parameter {
    name  = "log_connections"
    value = "1"

The database instance uses the aws_db_instance resource. Since that I will use PostgreSQL as engine, this value is stored on the ourDBInstEngine variable.

To create the read-replica on the next stages, the maintenance_window, backup_window and backup_retention_period meta-arguments must be set and the timespan declared must not overlap; to ensure multi-AZ, the multi_az meta-argument should be set to true.
resource "aws_db_instance" "ourDBInst" {
  identifier = var.ourDBInstIdentifier
  instance_class = var.ourDBInstClass
  allocated_storage = 5
  engine = var.ourDBInstEngine
  engine_version = var.ourDBInstEngineV
  username = var.ourDBInstUsername
  password = var.ourDBInstPassword
  db_subnet_group_name =
  vpc_security_group_ids = []
  parameter_group_name =
  publicly_accessible = true
  skip_final_snapshot = true
  multi_az = true
  backup_retention_period = 3
  backup_window = "03:31-05:00"
  maintenance_window = "Mon:01:00-Mon:03:30"

4. Authentication and output variables

The database username and password must be configured - therefore, on the file, a sensitive meta-argument is added so that the password is hidden from the output during Terraform operations. Also, for our scenario, it's better to create an additional secret.tfvars file, where the database username and password will be stored:
variable "ourDBInstUsername" {
  type = string
  description = "Username credential for the database instance"
  sensitive = true

variable "ourDBInstPassword" {
  type = string
  description = "Password credential for the database instance"
  sensitive = true

Even so, Terraform stores the password on the .tfstate file. Hence why is important to add this file and secret.tfvars to .gitignore upon versioning, so such data will not be persisted, and an additional layer of security is added.


Outputs work similarly to return values - it returns information about the infrastructure on the standard output. An file must be created and, in our scenario, we need to have three outputs available to construct the database connection string, later: the hostname, port and username of the database instance.
output "outHostname" {
  value = aws_db_instance.ourDBInst.address

output "outPort" {
  value = aws_db_instance.ourDBInst.port

output "outUsername" {
  value = aws_db_instance.ourDBInst.username
  sensitive = true

5. Creating the read-replica

In order to create the read-replica, one additional database instance resource must be provisioned, using the replicate_source_db meta-argument pointing to the primary database (in this scenario, the read-replica uses the ARN instead of the regular primary database identifier as value for the meta-argument, considering that this database can replicate cross-region). There is no need to provision username and password.
resource "aws_db_instance" "ourDBInstRR" {
  replicate_source_db = aws_db_instance.ourDBInst.arn
  identifier = var.ourDBInstRRIdentifier
  instance_class = var.ourDBInstClass
  password = ""
  db_subnet_group_name =
  vpc_security_group_ids = []
  parameter_group_name =
  publicly_accessible = true
  skip_final_snapshot = true
  multi_az = false

6. Running the database

In order to run it properly, recognizing the .tfvars files, the following command must be executed:

terraform apply -var-file="secret.tfvars"

After some minutes, the whole infrastructure will be provisioned, with multi-AZ and read-replica set. Also, it will output some information that will be necessary for connecting with DBeaver:

Apply complete! Resources: 19 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


outHostname = ""
outPort = 5432
outUsername = <sensitive>

To use DBeaver for connection, download it on your environment and, upon starting, configure it properly: select PostgreSQL and enter your environment's endpoint and port (both outputs after terraform apply), username and password on the "Connect to a database" menu:


Once everything is done, you will be able to visualise the database content and manipulate it using the tool.


7. Completion

This was one of the hardest challenges for me - if it wasn't for Terraform, I would probably take much more time to complete it. Fortunately, provisioning everything using infrastructure-as-code helped me learning more on databases, network and security. There was some times when I almost gave up on completing this, but I guess it worth insisting.


Vielen danke, @MauriceBrg. Apart from being a great mentor and teacher, you helped a lot with great documentation and tips.

A big shout out to @pdoerning for the tips with .gitignore and to @tigpt for the secret.tfvars suggestion. Teamwork makes dreamwork!


PostgreSQL RDS (with multi-AZ and read-replica) on AWS using Terraform







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