- Java 8.
- Servlets.
- MySQL.
- C3P0.
- HTML, JS, Bootstrap, Datatables, Date picker.
- Log4j.
- Lombok.
- JavaMail.
Check deployed app here.
Couple accounts with valid creds for you to test the app(please, don't change this creds):
admin role:
- login: admin;
- pass: admin;
doc role:
- login: firstDoc;
- pass: firstDoc;
patient/user role:
- login: firstUser;
- pass: firstUser;
If you are getting page with 500 error code when trying to login, that, probably, means that my hosting time for MySql db expired. If so, then write me on tsvirkoartem@gmail.com and i'll fix it.
- Sign In.
- Registration.
- Password recovery by email.
- Administrator
- Can view/sort/search/add/delete
andonly for personal
events. - Can view/sort/search/add/delete doctors.
- Can view/sort/search/edit/delete patients.
- Can view/sort/search appointments and delete all old non-closed appointments by date.
- Can view/sort/search/add/delete
- Doctor
- Can view/sort/search/add
andonly for personal
events. - Can view/edit his own credentials and personal info.
- Can view/sort/search doctors and make an appointment to other doctor.
- Can view/sort/search patients and make edits in patient's medical history.
- Can view/sort/search
him as a doctor
appointments and close them with a note in medical history. - Can view/sort/search
him as a patient
- Can view/sort/search/add
- Patient
- Can view/sort/search
events. - Can view/edit his own credentials and personal info.
- Can view/sort/search doctors and make appointments to them.
- Can view/sort/search his own appointments.
- Can view/sort/search