Backend Deployment:
Frontend Documentation:
Method | Endpoint | Access Control | Description |
POST | api/auth/login/ |
public | If user exists and login is successful, returns a JWT for the user. If user doesn't exist, registers user and, if successful, returns a JWT for the user. |
All Admin Routes require a valid JWT with a role of staff
in the authorization
header of the request. Authenticating as an admin generates such a JWT automatically.
Method | Endpoint | Successful Response |
GET | /api/admin/accounts |
200 Returns array of all student records |
PUT | /api/admin/accounts/:id |
200 Modifies an existing student record |
DELETE | /api/admin/accounts/:id |
204 Deletes a student record |
GET | /api/admin/cohorts |
200 Returns array of all cohorts |
PUT | /api/admin/cohorts/:id |
200 Modifies an existing cohort |
DELETE | /api/admin/cohorts/:id |
204 Deletes a cohort |
GET | /api/admin/projects |
200 Returns array of all student projects |
PUT | /api/admin/projects/:id |
200 Modifies an existing project record |
DELETE | /api/admin/projects/:id |
204 Deletes a project record |
GET | /api/admin/students |
200 Returns array of all student records |
PUT | /api/admin/students/:id |
200 Modifies an existing student, returns the updated record |
DELETE | /api/admin/students/:id |
204 Deletes student record |
GET | /api/admin/tracks |
200 Returns data for all tracks |
POST | /api/admin/tracks |
201 Adds a new track, returns new track record |
PUT | /api/admin/tracks/:id |
200 Modifies an existing track |
DELETE | /api/admin/tracks/:id |
204 Deletes a track |
Method | Endpoint | Successful Response |
GET | /api/projects |
200 Returns array of 8 most recent project cards |
GET | /api/projects/:id |
200 Returns a project record |
POST | /api/projects |
201 Adds project, returns new project record |
PUT | /api/projects/:id |
200 Updates a project record, returns updated record |
PUT | /api/projects/:id/join |
204 Adds a student to a project |
PUT | /api/projects/:id/leave |
204 Removes student from project, deletes project if no students remain on project |
PUT | /api/projects/:id/media |
200 Takes an image, saves it via Cloudinary, adds URL to project record, returns updated project record |
PUT | /api/projects/:id/media/remove |
204 Deletes an image from a project and from Cloudinary |
Method | Endpoint | Successful Response |
GET | /api/students |
200 Returns array of 8 most recent project cards |
GET | /api/students/cards |
200 Returns array of 8 most recent project cards |
GET | /api/students/profile/:id |
200 Returns profile record for student ID |
GET | /api/students/locations |
200 Returns array of student locations |
POST | /api/students |
200 Returns array of 8 most recent project cards |
POST | /api/students/endorse/:id |
201 Returns array of 8 most recent project cards |
GET | /api/students/profile |
200 Returns profile record for student in supplied JWT |
PUT | /api/students/update |
200 Updates a student and returns updated student record |
DELETE | /api/students/delete |
202 Deletes a student record and returns a delete message |
PUT | /api/students/update/profile_picture |
200 Takes an image, saves image via Cloudinary, updates student record with URL, and returns updated student record |
PUT | /api/students/update/profile_picture/remove |
204 Removes image from student record and deletes image on Cloudinary |
PUT | /api/students/contact-me/:id |
204 Takes a message and attempts to send it to the email of the student associated with the :id |