Release Notes
Enhancements and Improvements
- Updated React Chat UI:
- Fixed rendering of HTML-based messages
- Improved code highlighting
- Resolved baseUrl issue; none set by default and can be overridden via URL parameter (e.g.,
- Thymeleaf Templating:
- Allowed on Langchain task parameters (e.g.,
- Allowed on Langchain task parameters (e.g.,
- Request and Response Buffers:
- Increased to 10MB each
- LangchainTask:
- Allowed sending prompts without the conversation history
- Fixed parsing of boolean parameters
- Micrometer Integration:
- EDDI-specific metrics now start with "eddi_"
- InputParserTask:
- Improved code quality
- Allowed quick reply expressions to be undefined in config
- ConversationLogGenerator:
- General improvements
Dependency Updates
- Updated Docker base image
- Updated quarkus, quarkus-langchain4j, compiler-plugin, surefire-plugin, failsafe-plugin, war-plugin
- Updated Infinispan, jetty-client, lombok, classgraph, swagger-annotations, rest-assured
These updates enhance the stability, performance, and flexibility of the application.
Full Changelog: 5.3.2...5.3.3