1. Descriptions
SuperEasy Library for Control Scanner, Laser and Vision
2. Features
- Support SCANLAB's RTC controllers.
- RTC4
- RTC4e
- RTC5
- RTC6
- RTC6e
- XL-SCAN(RTC6 + ACS) by syncAXIS
- Support measure and profile scanner trajectory with output signals by plotted graph.
- Support powerful options.
- MoF(Marking on the Fly)
- 2nd head
- 3D
- Sky writing
- Support ramp(Automatic Laser Control) controls.
- Position dependent
- Velocity dependent
- Defined-vector
- Support SCANahead and SDC(Spot Distance Control) control with RTC6.
- Support 2D, 3D scanner field correction.
- Support calibration tool for 3D surfaces.
- Plane
- Cone
- Cylinder
- Points cloud
- Support many kinds of laser controls.
- Frequency
- Duty cycle
- Analog output
- Digital output
- Support specific laser source vendors to control and communication.
- AdvancedOptoWave (AOPico, AOPico Precision, Fotia)
- Coherent (Avia LX, Diamond C-Series)
- IPG (YLP N, Type D, Type E, ULP N)
- JPT (Type E)
- Photonics Industry (DX, RGH AIO)
- Spectra Physics (Hippo, Talon)
- Support many kinds of powermeters with powermap table for compensate output laser power.
- Coherent (PowerMax)
- Thorlabs (by OPM)
- Ophir (by StarLab)
- Support remote controls.
- TCP/IP communication
- Serial(RS-232) communication
- Various pre-built entities.
- Point(s), Line, Arc, Polyline, Triangle, Rectangle, Spiral, Trepan, Curve, Raster
- Layer, Group, Block and Block insert
- Text, SiriusText, ImageText, Circular text
- Image, Stitched image, DXF, PDF, ZPL(zebra programming language)
- QR code, DataMatrix, PDF417 and Barcodes
- Plane, Cone(or cylinder), STL(Stereo lithography), Point cloud
- and more control entities
- Support powerful external script by C# language.
- Open source codes with editor, marker, remote and laser source control for customization.
3.(optional) Vision
- Release status: developer preview version
- Support many kinds of cameras.
- Basler Pylon camera
- Sentech camera
- Crevis camera
- Euresys grabber
- WebCam (installed on Windows)
- RTSP (realtime streaming protocol) camera
- Supported co-axial camera behind of scanner for merge stitched images.
- merge stitched images into a large one by automatically
- integrated RTC control to acquire stitched images
- Supported image processing for line, cross, circle, blob, pattern finders.
- Supported 1D and 2D barcode decoders.
- DataMatrix, QRCode, PDF417, Code128, Code 39, Code93, Codabar, UPCEAN, I2Of5, PharmaCode, Databasr, EANUCC, Postnet, Planet, FourState and so on.
- Can be queried metrics information for AIM-DPM, ISO-15415, SEMI T10
- Calibration for resolve distortion by checkerboard and grid dots are supported.
- User can select image processing engine to OpenCV or VisionPro.
- Support powerful external script by C# language.
- Open source codes with ui, camera control for customization.
4. What's major changes in Sirius2
Sirius2 | Sirius (Deprecated) | |
Matrix operation | 4x4 (3D) | 3x3 (2D) |
Camera | Perspective | Orthogonal |
Editor | 3D | 2D |
Render engine | OpenTK | SharpGL |
Render speed | Faster | Acceptable |
Field correction | correXionPro and CalibrationTool | correXionPro |
Font | cxf, lff format and Windows fonts (semi ocr also) | external ttf, cxf format |
Remote control | Supported (TCP/IP, Serial) | x |
Script | C# script | x |
Processing on the fly | Classic and Fly extension | Classic |
Stream parser | Supported | x |
Multi-language | Supported | x |
Customization | Expandable | Acceptable |
Option | spirallab.sirius2.vision.dll | x |
5. Libraries
- spirallab.sirius2.dll
- spirallab.sirius2.winforms.dll
- Target frameworks: .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Target platforms: Windows x64
- Dependencies
- SCANLAB RTC4 2023.11.02 (https://www.scanlab.de/en/products/software/rtc-software/download)
- SCANLAB RTC5 2024.09.27 (https://www.scanlab.de/en/products/software/rtc-software/download)
- SCANLAB RTC6 v.1.19.1 (2024.11.4) (https://www.scanlab.de/en/products/software/rtc-software/download)
- SCANLAB syncAXIS: v.1.8.2 (2023.3.9) (https://www.scanlab.de/en/products/software-calibration/syncaxis/download)
- OpenTK: v3.3.3 (https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenTK/3.3.3)
- OpenTK.GLControl: v3.3.3 (https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenTK.GLControl/)
- OphirPhotonics StarLab v3.9 (https://www.ophiropt.com/en/g/starlab-for-usb)
- Thorlabs OPM v5.0 (https://www.thorlabs.com/software_pages/ViewSoftwarePage.cfm?Code=OPM)
- Neodynamic.SDK.ZPLPrinter v6.0.25.201 (https://github.com/neodynamic/ZPL-Printer-Emulator-SDK)
- (optional) spirallab.sirius2.vision.dll
- Target frameworks: .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Target platforms: Windows x64
- Dependencies
- Cognex VisionPro v9.8 (https://support.cognex.com/ko-kr/downloads/detail/visionpro/4464/1033)
- Euresys Multicam v6.19.0.5375 (https://www.euresys.com/en/download-area/)
- Basler Pylon runtime v8.0.0 (https://www2.baslerweb.com/en/downloads/software-downloads/software-pylon-8-0-0-windows/)
- Sentech v1.2.2 (https://sentech.co.jp/en/information/c/update)
- Crevis MCam40 SDK v4.8.0.8354 (https://www.crevis.co.kr/Customer/download)
- OpenCVSharp v4.8.0.20230708 (https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenCvSharp4/
6. How to use ?
- (Basic) Add reference files into your project
- spirallab.sirius2.dll
- spirallab.sirius2.winforms.dll
- OpenTK.dll
- (optional) Add reference files into your project
- spirallab.sirius2.vision.dll
- Copy all files and sub-directories at 'bin' to your working(or output) directory
7. Examples
Demo 'init' console project for RTC beginner
Demo 'io' console project for manipulate DIO at RTC
Demo 'laser' console project for various laser source
Demo 'laserpower' console project for customized laser source
- Open sourced laser output power control
Demo 'matrix' console project for push/pop matrix at stack
Demo 'fieldcorrection' console project for do scanner field correction
Demo 'wobbel' console project for mark wobbel shapes
Demo '3d' console project for control 3d space by x,y and z position
Demo 'raster' console project for bitmap(or rasterized) operation
Demo 'skywriting' console project for sky-writing operation (RTC5,6)
Demo 'alc' console project for automatic laser control (aka. Ramp)
Demo 'characterset' console project for download(or register) font family
Demo 'hardjump' console project for hard jump and select specific tuning mode
Demo 'mof_xy' console project for marking on the fly with x,y encoders
Demo 'mof_angular' console project for marking on the fly with rotate encoder
Demo 'optimize' console project for how to optimize laser and scanner delays
Demo 'timed' console project for timed jump and mark control
Demo 'powermeter' console project for customized powermeter
- Open sourced PowerMeter control
Demo 'powermap' console project for customized power mapping
- Open sourced power mapping, verify and compensate
Demo 'multiple' console project for control multiple RTC cards
Demo 'scanahead' console project for specific SCANahead control (RTC6)
Demo 'syncaxis' console project for specific XL-SCAN control (RTC6 + ACS motion)
Demo 'editor_basic', 'editor_basic_v2' winforms project for beginner
- config [RTC0], [LASER0] at 'config.ini' for RTC4,5,6
- config [RTC0], [LASER0] at 'config_syncaxis.ini' for XL-SCAN
Demo 'editor_entity', 'editor_entity_v2' winforms project for create entities
Demo 'editor_barcode' winforms project for mark individual barcode entities
Demo 'editor_mof' winforms project for encoder based MoF
Demo 'editor_mof_barcode' winforms project for mark text, barcode by script with MoF
Demo 'editor_mof_text' winforms project for mark out of ranged texts by script with MoF
Demo 'editor_dio' winforms project for control digital input/output
Demo 'editor_remote' winforms project for customized tcp/ip server
- Open sourced Remote control
Demo 'editor_multiple' winforms project for multiple RTC instances
- config [RTC0], [LASER0] and [RTC1], [LASER1] at 'config.ini'
Demo 'editor_marker' winforms project for customized marker
- Open sourced Marker control
Demo 'editor_laser' winforms project for customized laser UI
- Open sourced Laser control
Demo 'editor_ui' winforms project for customized ui
- Open sourced SiriuseEitorControl, SiriuseEitorControlv2 UI
Demo 'vision_basic', 'vision_basic_v2' winforms project for beginner
- config [CAMERA0] at 'config.ini'
Demo 'vision_stitch' winforms project for integrated with scanner control
Demo 'vision_camera' winforms project for customized camera
- Open sourced Camera control
Demo 'vision_ui' winforms project for customized ui
- Open sourced SiriuseVisionControl, SiriuseVisionControlv2 UI
Demo 'sirius_basic' winforms project for integrated editor and vision
- config [RTC0], [LASER0] and [CAMERA0]
- auto focus
- extract scanner field correction data from inspection result
- extract marker offset position from inspection result
8. Copyrights
- Evaluation copy mode would be activated during 30 mins without license.
- Homepage: http://spirallab.co.kr
- Email: hcchoi@spirallab.co.kr
- All rights reserved. 2018-2025 Copyright to (c)SpiralLAB.
- RTC and syncAXIS are trademarks of (c)SCANLAB GmbH.
9. Version history
2025.3.14 v.1.52.2160
- added) warning status for laser source
- ILaser.IsWarn
- fixed) explode bug
- invalid rotate, scale and translate when exploded
- added) warning status for laser source
2025.3.4 v.1.51.2150
- added) my frequency laser at demo
- fixed) laser power control
- invalid list control if using PowerControlMethods.Frequency, PowerControlMethods.DutyCycle
- fixed) PhotonicsIndustryDX
- can be reset if interlock error
2025.2.17 v.1.50.2140
- added) document can be cloned by IDocument.Clone()
- added) option for RealLink library
2025.1.21 v.1.49.2130
- added) demo for stage x,y
- editor_marker\markerstagexy.cs
- added) Config.CharacterSetMaxSerialNoUpdateTime
- Check timer for max serial no
- fixed) IRtcErrorCode
- detail logs if fail to initialize RTC5,6 card
- fixed) IRtcFreeVariable
- read array of free variables
- fixed) description for ZDefocus
- added) demo for stage x,y
2024.12.23 v.1.48.2111
- fixed) accurate executed job time
- added) IJob.ExecutionTimeRtcOnly
- added) job history at marker
- fixed) accurate executed job time
2024.11.19 v.1.47.2110
- fixed) syncaxis
- exception after marker has finished
- fixed) syncaxis
2024.11.8 v.1.46.2105
- updated) RTC6 v1.19.1
- added) support reverse order for triangle, rectangle, cross entity
- added) ProcessFocus process for auto focus
- fixed) fail to save for StitchCalibrator
- fixed) show invalid license information
2024.11.1 v.1.45.2100
- added) spirallab.sirius2.vision.dll
- added) demo projects for machine vision
- 'vision_basic', 'vision_basic_v2' for beginner
- 'vision_stitch' for stitch images with control RTC
- 'vision_camera' : customized camera
- 'vision_ui' : customized ui (open sourced)
- added) demo projects for machine vision
- added) 'sirius_basic' demo project
- integrated editor and vision
- updated) SCANLAB RTC5 dll v2024.09.27
- added) scanner jog control window at manual screen
- Jog with arrow keys and CTRL, ALT, SHIFT combination
- fixed) matrix
- support scale and inversion at entity
- support scale and inversion at 4x4 basematrix with matrixstack
- editable primary/secondary internal 3x3 matrix
- IExtractPolyline.ToPolylines is not remove internal matrix data
- added) spirallab.sirius2.vision.dll
2024.9.30 v.1.44.1780
- added) cross entity
- added) Config.OnCreateGrids event
- fixed) can be created grids with each rows and cols
- fixed) laser path simulation with more dynamics
- fixed) 3d calibration at cone entity
- fixed) stitched image
- renamed) EntityImageStitched
- modified) image index order
2024.9.10 v.1.43.1770
- added) preview at marker
- by IMarker.Preview()
- Shortcut: F4
- fixed) bugs when create usercontrol at design time
- added) preview at marker
24.9.5 v.1.42.1760
- added) customizable laser UI
- added) editor_laser demo
- added) timed demo
- added) IRtcTimed interface
- fixed) support timed operation for point, line and arc entities
- added) ZPL(zebra programming language) entity
- added) RTC4e controller
- added) (experimental) read raw .ctb file format and plot to graph
- added) 1D barcode formats (ITF, MSI)
- added) shortcut for start simulation by 'F1'
- fixed) exception when import PDF file
- fixed) IClipRegion.Clip bug at arc entity
- fixed) removed hard jumps at points entity
- added) customizable laser UI
2024.7.23 v.1.41.1630
- added) skywriting mode4
- added) editor_multiple2 demo project
- fixed) exception at editorcontrol if not shown
2024.7.15 v.1.40.1620
- added) editor_remote demo project
- added) Config.DecimalPrecision
2024.7.5 v.1.39.1600
- added) new SiriusEditorControlV2 control
- editor_basic_v2 demo project
- editor_entity_v2 demo project
- added) ActBlock at document
- fixed) invalid powermap events
- fixed) updated marker status with IPowerMap.IsError status
- fixed) exception when convert to block entity
- fixed) log messages are not show up at logcontrol
- added) new SiriusEditorControlV2 control
2024.7.1 v.1.38.1580
- fixed) thorlabs powermeter
- added) serial communication
- fixed) can be edit length of line
- fixed) thorlabs powermeter
2024.6.24 v.1.37.1575
- fixed) ListRasterLine signature
- jump to start location by automatically
- skip(or jump to next pixel) if pixel duration time is below 10 usec at JumpAndShoot mode for speed up
- fixed) ListRasterLine signature
2024.6.17 v.1.36.1571
- updated) RTC6 v.1.18.0 (2024.6.17)
- fixed) reverse mark at EntityBarcode1D
- fixed) reverse mark CellCircle at EntityBarcode2D
2024.6.11 v.1.35.1560
- added) events for wait MoF position by automatically
- Config.OnMarkSiriusTextEachGlyph for sirius text entity
- Config.OnMarkTextEachGlyph for text entity
- Config.OnMarkImageTextEachGlyph for image text entity
- fixed) image text
- invalid size when do clone
- added) events for wait MoF position by automatically
2024.6.7 v.1.34.1540
- added) PDF entity
- can be import PDF file by image
- do marks like as rasterized image
- added) (experimental) Config.IsWaitEncoderXForEachGlyph
- wait each font glyphs by automatically
- works with siriustext, text entity
- fixed) exception when start thorlabs powermeter
- removed) useless dll files
- added) PDF entity
2024.6.3 v.1.33.1520
- fixed) thorlabs powermeter
- updated) dlls files for OPM v5.0
- fixed) seperated instance for specific(x32 or x64) runtime
- fixed) ophir powermeter
- updated) starlab v3.9
- fixed) image, imagetext entity
- added) zigzag mark order
- fixed) text entity
- removed) duplicated vertices
- fixed) thorlabs powermeter
2024.5.27 v.1.32.1500
- added) editor_wpf demo
2024.5.21 v.1.31.1490
- added) editor_mof_text demo
- fixed) range can be checked by IRtc.FieldSizeLimit
- fixed) fail to initialize RTC4
2024.5.14 v.1.30.1460
- RTC6e
- added) high performance mode
- added) connection loss behavior
- added) (experimental) global hard jump mode
- can be set by Config.IsConvertJumpToHardJump
- added) (experimental) interactive camera
- refactor) IRtcMoF signatures to support matrix stack
- fixed) invisible ray when do simulation
- fixed) invalid Bit flags at RTC
- RTC6e
2024.5.2 v.1.29.1420
- added) EntityStitchedImage entity
- added) (experimental version) RTC4 controller
- added) internal measurement plot form
- added) output pulse syncronization mode at RTC6
- refactor) IRtc interfaces
- added) IRtcVariableDelay interface
- added) IRtcConditionalIO interface
- added) IRtcInformation interface
- added) IRtcSignalLevel interface
- added) IRtcFreeVariable interface
2024.4.25 v.1.28.1360
- fixed) reversed start/end when mark at line entity
- refactor) MoveToCursor
- added) CursorPositionList at EditorUserControl
- added) show(or hide) log window
- added) zoom to fit with margin scale
- fixed) IDocument can be replaceable now
- fixed) convert measurement z data format correctly (like as SampleAZ_Coor,...)
- fixed) editor_ui demo project by usercontrol
- fixed) editor_marker demo project
- removed) editor_laser demo project
2024.4.22 v.1.27.1330
- added) model sx, sy, sz scale by individually
- added) support expand/shrink at arc, rectangle, triangle entity
- added) support clipping at point entity
- added) display flag values with checked listbox control
- added) support custom alignment
- fixed) redesign EditorCtrl UI
- fixed) invalid CtlLaserControlSignal at rtc
2024.4.15 v.1.26.1270
- added) triangle entity
- added) editor_laser project
- added) CtlMatrix, ListMatrix functions at RTC interface
- added) remote virtual
- remote control mode switched to not editable view
- fixed) MoF
- supported negative(-) encoder scale
- supported negative(-) simulation speed
- fixed) reset offset array when document has opened
- fixed) marker function signature
- fixed) bugs
- deadlock(or race) condition
- reduce too many event for propertychanged
2024.4.8 v.1.25.1220
- added) select correction table entity
- added) calculate approx. mof velocity
- added) render stipple lines if markerable is false
- added) ready target document at marker
- fixed) hit test bug at rectangle, group and stl entity
- fixed) create grids with invalid interval
2024.4.2 v.1.24.1190
- added) editor_dio demo project
- added) ScriptHelper
- user can read(or write) script property values
- renamed) script file and instance at marker
- refactor) IScript interface
- fixed) save measurement result by raw data format
- fixed) ko-KR language resources for IRtc, ILaser
- fixed) exception when initialize syncaxis instance
2024.3.27 v.1.23.1170
- fixed) marks bug at IRtc.ListArc
- fixed) display invalid category name at propertygrid
2024.3.23 v.1.22.1140
- added) semi ocr font files
- semi_ocr_single.cxf
- semi_ocr_double.cxf
- added) mark sirius text with reverse order
- added) read/write script values by remote communication
- added) editor_tsv demo project
- fixed) scaling bug at siriustext entity
- fixed) auto scale mode to 'font' at forms
- fixed) refactor DIO forms
- added) semi ocr font files
2024.3.18 v.1.21.1120
- added) entity_mof_barcode demo project
- added) mark barcodes with reverse order
- added) wait extension1 io input condition
- added) read/write free variable
- added) script event and navigate line of script code if failed
- added) OnChanged event at IDInput
- fixed) crash bug when select multi-language
2024.3.12 v.1.20.1110
- added) laser on/off shift with SCANahead at RTC6
- fixed) create RTC DIOs by manually
- fixed) config RTC laser1/2 signal levels
- fixed) OnMoveToCursor event handler
2024.3.6 v.1.19.1100
- fixed) arithmetic exception when initializing RTC card
- added) (experimental) clipping(or divide) entities
- fixed) PoD(pulse on demand)
- spot distance control for SCANahead
- fixed) enabled mouse hot tracking by default
- fixed) IDOutput.OutOff arithmetic exception bug
2024.2.7 v.1.18.1080
- added) IRtcMoFExtension interface for RTC6
- aka. Fly extension
- added) mof_xy_extension demo project
- added) IRtcMoFExtension interface for RTC6
2024.1.17 v.1.17.1050
- added) event for Config.OnMoveToCursor (shortcut: F9)
- changed) marker keyboard (shortcut: F5, F6 and F8)
- fixed) render issue at blockinsert entity
- fixed) stream parser will be saved with more detail information
2024.1.3 v.1.16.1020
- added) MarkerFast for fast processing
- fixed) IMarker for more customizable
- added) (experimental) RtcStreamParserHelper
- by SCANLAB StreamParser v1.1
- added) stream parser demo project
- fixed) config values has renamed
2023.12.22 v.1.15.1000
- updated) RTC6 v1.16.3 (2023-12-19)
- fixed) powermap
2023.12.19 v.1.14.990
- fixed) memory leak by text entity
- fixed) stability issues
2023.12.11 v.1.13.965
- added) script engine for convert text data
- fixed) OnTextConvert event at IMarker
2023.12.6 v.1.12.945
- added) power map with mapping, verify, compensate
- added) power map demo project
- fixed) ILaserPowerControl interface for powermap
2023.11.23 v.1.11.920
- added) support various powermeters
- Coherent PowerMax
- Thorlabs (by OPM)
- Ophir (by StarLab)
- added) powermeter demo project
- fixed) remote commands
- added) support various powermeters
2023.11.20 v.1.10.910
- added) support various laser sources
- Advanced OptoWave
- Coherent
- Photonics Industry
- Spectra Physics
- added) support load correction file at RTC propertygrid
- added) laser power slider at manual tab
- fixed) 3D and MoF options are available with evaluation copy mode
- added) support various laser sources
2023.11.9 v.1.9.890
- added) RTC functions
- IRtcStartStopInfo
- CtlSimulatedExternalStart
- SerialMaxNo at IRtcCharacterSet
- updated) RTC6_Software_Package_Rev.1.15.5
- fixed) ImageText render bug
- fixed) ITextRegisterable
- download character set if modified
- works with matrix (rotate z and scale)
- support letter space
- apply pen parameters bug
- mark repeat counts bug
- added) RTC functions
2023.11.3 v.1.8.865
- added) grid checker (extract positions of pattern from image file)
- added) editor_alc demo
- added) editor_mof demo
- added) serial no reset entity
- fixed) many kinds of bugs at runtime
2023.10.27 v.1.7.850
- added) raster entity
- added) ILaserGuideControl interface at ILaser
- added) shortcuts
- F5: start marker
- CTRL + F5: stop marker
- F6: reset marker
2023.10.19 v.1.6.840
- hot fixed) laser power value has not applied
- added) external start delay entity
- added) more remote commands
2023.10.18 v.1.5.830
- added) remote communication
- removed) useless remote demo project
2023.10.10 v.1.4.780
- added) 3d calibration by cone(or cylinder)
2023.9.27 v.1.3.770
- added) pdf417 barcode entity
- added) SCANahead demo project
- added) optimize demo project
- added) IRtcRaster at Rtc6SyncAxis
- fixed) barcode 2d with fixed aspect ratio
- fixed) renamed enum types
2023.9.21 v.1.2.760
- added) raster modes
- modes: jump and shoot or micro-vector
- support raster mode at image and barcode entity
- added) OnMarkPen event
- added) repeat list buffer at marker
- added) ListLaserPower at rtc6
- added) list pause or restart at RtcExtension
- fixed) rename automatic laser control to alc
- added) raster modes
2023.9.15 v.1.1.740
- added) editor_3d demo project
- added) trepan entity
- added) jump to entity
- added) korean language resources (koKR)
- fixed) 3D calibration
- updated) SCANLAB's calibration library to v1.4.1.1
- fixed) duplicated vertices bug at pointscloud
- fixed) fixed invalid directional vector at plane
- fixed) invalid rubber banding when out of view control
- fixed) kz-scale bug at RTC6
- added) support EntityRampBegin/End at syncAXIS
2023.9.6 v.1.0.720 (Release Candidate Version)
- added) 1D barcode entity
- added) 3D calibration by plane
- added) hatch within entity
- added) multi-languages
- fixed) renamed EntityBarcodeBase to EntityBarcode2DBase
2023.9.1 v.0.9.8
- added) entity_barcode demo project
- fixed) OnTextConvert events
- added) MarkProcedures at IMarker
- added) ICalibration3D interface
- fixed) extract pointscloud bugs
- added) EntityZDelta entity
- added) entity_barcode demo project
2023.8.25 v.0.9.6
- added) EntityWriteDataExt16Cond entity
- added) EntityWaitDataExt16Cond entity
- added) ManualUserControl winforms
- fixed) config.ini for support 2nd head
2023.8.22 v.0.9.5
- added) support compressed file format by optional
- Config.IsCompressedFileFormat
- fixed) EntityPointsCloud
- added) event OnPointsCloudCalibrated
- added) IArrayOfOffset interface (for multiple 3d models)
- added) configurable z order when extract vertices
- added) support load and select 3d correction table by optional
- fixed) bugs
- invalid pen color at propertygrid by double-click
- background color at DIO winforms
- options at path optimizer winforms
- wrong z positon with alignment
- invalid category names at propertygrid
- invalid with OnResize
- added) support compressed file format by optional
2023.8.16 v.0.9.3
- added) editor_multiple demo
- added) zoom to fit (CTRL + 'F')
- added) editorhelper class for easy to use
- added) editable real bound box
- changed) file format with header information
- added) event OnOpenSirius, OnSaveSirius at editor
- changed) event OnEnded at marker
- changed) config.ini to support multiple devices
2023.8.10 v0.9.1
- added) hit-test by rubber banding
- fixed) minor bugs
2023.8.8 v0.9.0
- added) editor_remote project
- added) new event handler 'OnScannerFieldCorrection2DApply'
- added) dashed mark/arc functions at rtc6syncaxis
- modified) Config.OnTextConvert event
- text and barcode entities are now support convertible text format
- also possible to marks at multiple offset positions with individual data
- added) (experimental) ITextRegisterable interface with characterset text entities
- added) min/max digital out value at laservirtual
2023.8.1 v0.8.5
- added) circular text entity
- added) support High DPI
2023.7.28 v0.8.3
- added) sirius text entity
- cxf font
- lff font
- fixed) file open exception with curve entity
- added) sirius text entity
2023.7.26 v0.8.2
- added) hatch with polygon
- added) expand or shrink path for polyline
2023.7.21 v0.8.1
- added) new namespaces
- spiralab.sirius2.rtc
- spiralab.sirius2.rtc.syncaxis
- added) changeable camera look at position
- added) encode and decode for unicode string
- fixed) hatch bug at some entities
- fixed) unable to edit bug at propertygrid
- added) new namespaces
2023.7.14 v0.8
- added) preliminary document (doc\sirius2)
- added) new namespace for marker, opengl
- added) import dxf with text entity
- removed) path optimizer license
- fixed) improved stability
2023.7.7 v0.7
- added) datamatrix barcode entity
- added) qrcode barcode entity
- fixed) imagetext
- font style and alignment
- fill mode
- added) import file with preview
- added) extract hatches
2023.7.1 v0.6 (Developer Preview Version)
- added) text entity
- added) write data, write data ext16 entity
- added) ramp factor at line, polyline for automatic laser control by defined vector
- added) (experimental) hard jump at points
- fixed) render very tiny arc entity
- added) editor_ui demo
2023.6.26 v0.5
- added) hatchable, reversable, textconvertible interface
- added) hpgl(plt) entity
- added) editor_marker demo
2023.6.16 v0.4
- added) alignment
- added) size, rotate, alignment form
- added) move camera at in/out
- added) path optimizer
- fixed) extract points cloud without traslation factor
- fixed) bounding box with min/max
- fixed) in/out
- fixed) rotate x,y with matrix (fixed. listArcTo)
- fixed) texture with selection color
2023.6.7 v0.3
- added) vertex and fragment shader has applied
- added) extract points clouds from STL and convert 3D field correction from points cloud
- added) entity Mof
- wait encoder
- added) entity image with texture
- raster operation
2023.5.27 v0.2
- added) render engine by OpenTK
- added) editor demo
- added) point, line, arc, polyline, spiral, group, stl entities
- added) pen, measurement entities
- added) marker (seperated marker rtc, syncaxis)
- added) user controls (log, pen, editor, dio, rtc, laser, ...)
2023.4.8 v0.1
- first commit