An example OSC controller applicaiton to interface with VRChat's OSC commands for avatars using electron to create a standalone app.
- Control your avatar
- Write to a chat box
- Start VRChat in VR or Desktop.
- Turn on OSC on your avatar from the quick menu.
- Start Application.
- Optionally change the network settings. If you are running the app on the computer that is running VRChat, then there is no need to change this. However, if you plan to control another computer or quest on your network, grab the IP and change the Remote Address.
- Send messages to your chatbox or send movement controls!
- Change the Remote IP address to the device you want to send OSC commands to
created by jazzy348 This was my starting point for the project, thank you for making this Jazzy!
This project was made using Nextron which is Electron + NextJS + TailwindCSS