cfdg is collection of Context Free designs written in the context free grammar and originally published on, and my former personal site, in 2007.
Some of these designs were later published in the book; Community of Variation — a collection of works by 29 members of the Context Free Art community between 2005-2007.
(This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.)
circuitroadmap | |
combustion | |
controlpoints | |
cylindercity | |
davinciscrapbook | |
dbmeter | |
dottedtree | |
drafts | |
evolution | |
evolution2 | |
exeunt | |
isoblocks | |
lure | |
neurons | |
spidersweb | |
tentacletree | |
thorns | |
usbtree | |
veins | |
veinsii |