Recently Manu visited the byteland. He was amazed with lots of different varieties of bytes he encountered there. Seeing this, he thought of a problem: Given an integer n, find out total possible bit string (either 0 or 1) of length n which don't have two contiguous zeroes in them. For example if n = 3, then total possible bit strings are 5 {010, 011, 101, 110, 111}. Now Manu started solving the problem but got busy with some important deployments. He asked you for the help. Please help him figure out the solution.
First line of test case contains an integer t denoting the number of test cases. In next t lines, each line contains an integer n, denoting the length of bit string.
For t test cases, output the total number of bit string possible. Since this number can be very large, output it modulo 10^9+7.
1 <= t <= 10^3
1 <= n <= 10^15
For first test case (n = 2), the total possible bit strings are {01,10,11}. So answer is 3. Second test case is same as provided in problem statement.
t = 1
1 <= n <= 10^4
original constraints
Java Code
javac java ZeroBit
Python Code