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Arkworks implementation of the VM of Aleo verifiable computing model built by LambdaClass


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Aleo Lambda VM

Proof of concept for a ZK SNARK based VM running Aleo Instructions.



As a library

You can find an example where we run a program under examples/sample-program. To run it:

cargo run --release --example sample-program

Through the CLI

To execute an aleo program, run

cargo run --release -- execute <function_name> <path_to_your_program> <inputs>

As an example, you can run the sample program mentioned above with

cargo run --release -- execute hello ./examples/sample-program/sample.aleo 2u32 1u32

Underneath this runs the binary located in ./target/release, so you can also do instead:

./target/release/lambdavm execute hello ./examples/sample-program/sample.aleo 2u32 1u32

after having run cargo build --release.


The VM does not currently support all data types and opcodes. A complete implementation will take around a month more of work. Hopefully it will be ready by the end of February 2023. Below is a list of the instructions and data types missing.

Missing data types

  • Group
  • All signed Integers. I16, I32, I64 and I128. (I8 is already implemented).
  • Scalar
  • String
  • Interface

Missing instructions

  • abs and abs.w (absolute value and its wrapping version)
  • add.w
  • The BHP and Pedersen commit instructions with all its variants (commit.bhp256, commit.bhp512, commit.bhp768, commit.bhp1024, commit.ped64 and commit.ped128).
  • div.w
  • double
  • All hash instructions expect for hash.psd2 (hash.bhp256, hash.bhp512, hash.bhp768, hash.bhp1024, hash.ped64, hash.ped128, hash.psd4 and hash.psd8).
  • inv
  • mul.w
  • neg
  • pow and pow.w
  • rem and rem.w
  • shl.w and shr.w
  • sqrt
  • sub.w
  • square


Run tests with

make test

Repo walkthrough


At a high level, this VM provides an API to take an Aleo program that looks like this

program main.aleo;
function add:
    input r0 as u16.public;
    input r1 as u16.private;
    add r0 r1 into r2;
    output r2 as u16.public;

and then

  • Generate a pair of proving and verifying keys for it. We call this building the program.
  • Turn the program into an Arkworks' circuit, then execute it with a given set of inputs, producing a proof of its execution.
  • Verify a given proof.

The biggest task here is turning the program into an arithmetic circuit, as the rest of the work, namely generating the proof and verifying it, is pretty straightforward with the Arkworks API (building the program, as we'll see later, is almost the same as turning it into a circuit and executing).

Before continuing, you should have at least a basic understanding of arithmetic circuits and how Arkworks lets you work with them. You can read about it here.

To generate the circuit, we go through the following steps:

  • Take the program's source code and parse it into a Program struct containing all the relevant information about the program (a list of all input and output instructions, whether they are public or private, a list of all regular instructions like add and its operands, etc). We currently rely on SnarkVM's parser, but plan on writing our own eventually.
  • Instantiate an Arkworks ConstraintSystem struct, which is going to hold all our circuit's constraints by the end.
  • For every input instruction, instantiate its corresponding Gadget with the appropriate visibility (public input if it's public, witness if it's private). In our example, the first instruction input r0 as u16.public becomes a call to UInt16Gadget.new_input(...) and the second instruction becomes UInt16Gadget.new_witness(...).
  • For every regular instruction, we use the gadget's associated function to perform the operation and generate the constraints for it inside our ConstraintSystem. In our example, when we encounter the add r0 r1 into r2; instruction we call UInt16Gadget.addmany(...). This is an arkworks provided function that will take a list of UInt16s, add them, implicitly mutate the constraint_system with all the associated constraints, then return the value of the sum. Not all instructions have a corresponding arkworks function implemented, so for those we had to implement our own.
  • For every output instruction, assign to the register the computed value.

Because a program can have multiple registers interacting with each other, to do the above we have to keep track of each register and its value as we go. For this we keep an internal hash table throughout execution, called function_variables.

In the next sections, we go through the details of how building, executing, and then verifying the execution works.

Building a program

The build_program function will take in a string with the program's source code and return a Program struct along with a ProgramBuild, which is a map with all the proving/verifying keys for each program's function.

let (program, _build) = build_program(&program_string).unwrap();

For this usecase we won't need the latter. Internally, this function is taking care of instantiating the Universal SRS, building the circuit to then generate the proving and verifying keys.

Executing a function

To execute a program's function, you call execute_function. It takes the parsed program, the function, and the user_inputs as parameters.

// Run the `hello` function defined in the `sample.aleo` program
let (_compiled_function_variables, proof) =
        lambdavm::execute_function(&program, &function, &user_inputs).unwrap();

It returns a tuple, where the first element is a map of all function variables (the hash map used to keep track of every register mentioned above) and the second element of the tuple is the proof of execution.

Function variables map

As said before, this map stores the variables of the function that we are executing (constant, input, output, and intermediate registers). It is not the goal of this documentation to explain the syntax of Aleo programs (see [here](find the link in but let's explain what these are with a toy example:

function add_with_modulus_8:
    input r0 as u64.public;
    input r1 as u64.public;
    add r0 r1 into r2;
    mod r2 8u8 into r3;
    output r3 as u64.public;

This is not a very useful program but it is useful to see all the things mentioned before. On it, we can see some input definitions and an output definition. Let's focus on the registers (the keys of our variables map), we have r0 and r1 defined as input registers and r3 as an output register. r2 is what's called an intermediate register and 8u8 is a literal (constant) value. Literal values are stored in the index map with their value as key (in this case 8u8).

To summarize, at the end of the execution the variables map should look like this

    "r0": <value_provided_by_user>,
    "r1": <value_provided_by_user>,
    "r2": <result_of_r1_plus_r2>,
    "8u8": UInt8Gadget(8),
    "r3": <result_of_r2_mod_8>,

Let's focus now on how this map is built throught execution. This is separated in three stages: initialization, input processing and output processing.

For the first stage (initialization) the input, output, and constant registers are inserted. The first two with None as a value and the latter as a Some containing a constant gadget. This is done by the function function_variables. In execute_function this happens in this line:

let mut function_variables = helpers::function_variables(function, constraint_system.clone())?;

The input registers Nones are replaced with input or witness gadgets depending on their visibility in the second stage (input processing). This is done by the function process_inputs of the module.

The output registers and all the intermediate registers are handled in the third and final stage (output processing). This is done by the function process_outputs of the module.

The three stages defined above are done by functions which take the constraint_system as input, as they need to mutate it. It might look like there's no mutation because the argument is not a mutable reference, but keep in mind our constraint_system is ultimately an RC<Refcell>.

An important thing to note about the operands process is that it requires a bit more work when the record data type is involved. This is because we need to keep track of all the record entries, so if a register is a record it's essentially a map with multiple entries. As an example, if there's a record declared like so

record credits:
owner as address.private;
gates as u64.private;

and an input instruction

input r0 as credits.record;

the map ends up like this

    "r0.owner": <value_provided_by_user>,
    "r0.gates": <value_provided_by_user>

Proof verification

Verifying a given proof amounts to the following function call

let result = lambdavm::verify_proof(function_verifying_key.clone(), public_inputs, proof).unwrap();

Note that you have to provide the public inputs of the circuit, something the prover should have given to you along with the proof. Inputs are expected to be of type UserInputValueType, an enum that encapsulates all the possible types circuit inputs can have.

Full example

Let's say we have the following Aleo program:

program foo.aleo;

function main:
    input r0 as u64.public;
    input r1 as u64.public;
    add r0 r1 into r2;
    output r2 as u64.public;

Executing the function main would look like this:

use lambdavm::jaleo::UserInputValueType::U16;

fn main() {
    use lambdavm::{build_program, execute_function};

    // Parse the program
    let program_string = std::fs::read_to_string("./programs/add/main.aleo").unwrap();
    let (program, build) = build_program(&program_string).unwrap();
    let function = String::from("main");
    // Declare the inputs (it is the same for public or private)
    let user_inputs = vec![U16(1), U16(1)];

    // Execute the function
    let (_function_variables, proof) = execute_function(&program, &function, &user_inputs).unwrap();
    let (_proving_key, verifying_key) = build.get(&function).unwrap();

    assert!(lambdavm::verify_proof(verifying_key.clone(), &user_inputs, &proof).unwrap())

Aleo Internal Documentation [WIP]

SnarkVM Encryption

Because Aleo is meant to be fully private, users's records need to be stored encrypted on-chain, so only the people who possess the corresponding view key can see them.

There's a catch here though. When, for instance, user A wants to send money to user B, they have to create a record owned by B and encrypt it so that only B can decrypt it to store on the blockchain. This means the encryption scheme used by Aleo cannot be symmetric, as that would require user A to have B's view key to send them money; not just their address.

This is why the encryption scheme used by Aleo is essentially asymmetric. Records are encrypted using the owner's address, but they can only be decrypted with their view key. The scheme used is called ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme).

What follows is a description of how this scheme works. Keep in mind that in Aleo, a view-key/address pair is nothing more than an elliptic curve private/public key-pair.

  • B retrieves A's address.
  • B generates an ephemeral (one-time only) elliptic curve key-pair.
  • B uses Diffie-Hellman with their ephemeral private key and A's address to generate a symmetric encryption key.
  • B encrypts the record with the symmetric key, and publishes both the encrypted record and the ephemeral public key.
  • When A wants to decrypt their record, they use their view key and the published ephemeral public key to derive (through Diffie-Helman) the symmetric encryption key.

In Aleo terminology, the symmetric encryption key for a record is called the record view key. It is derived from the transition view key, which acts as a sort of "Master" encryption key for all the records involved in the transition.

The symmetric encryption scheme used by Aleo's ECIES implementation is not a traditional one like AES, but rather a custom one using the Poseidon hash function.

There are actually some additions to this ECIES scheme in Aleo, with the goal of allowing a user to tell whether an encrypted record belongs to them or not without doing the full decryption. Some documentation on it can be found here. The general idea remains the same though.

How this maps to SnarkVM's API

The record encryption API in SnarkVM takes a randomizer as argument. There's a lot of different names being thrown around here, but this randomizer is just a value derived from the transition view key, which in turn allows to derive the record view key. You can see this happening in the code, as the encrypt method

/// Encrypts `self` for the record owner under the given randomizer.
pub fn encrypt(&self, randomizer: &Scalar<A>) -> Record<A, Ciphertext<A>> {
    // Ensure the randomizer corresponds to the record nonce.
    A::assert_eq(&self.nonce, A::g_scalar_multiply(randomizer));
    // Compute the record view key.
    let record_view_key = ((*self.owner).to_group() * randomizer).to_x_coordinate();
    // Encrypt the record.

just calls encrypt_symmetric after deriving the record view key through a simple elliptic curve calculation.

This randomizer is also called the record's nonce. They call it nonce because they also use it as a value to make the record's commitment unique.

How is the transition view key generated?

When a user creates a transition, they create what Aleo calls a Request. As part of creating this request, they have to generate a value called the transition secret key. This is nothing more than the hash of the caller's private key and a random number.

From this secret key, a key-pair is generated: the transition view key and the transition public key. As explained above, the transition view key is the private key used for ECIES encryption, and the transition public key is the corresponding public key, which has to be published as part of the transaction so the owner can decrypt.


Arkworks implementation of the VM of Aleo verifiable computing model built by LambdaClass







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