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Restock your warehouse.

Sync Datomic to a RDBMS.

cljdoc badge Clojars Project


Plenish requires Clojure version >= 1.11.1.


For the most common use case, copying all transactions that haven't been copied yet, this is what you need:

(def datomic-conn (d/connect "datomic:..."))
(def pg-conn (jdbc/get-datasource "jdbc:pgsql://..."))

(def metaschema
  {:tables {:user/name {}}})

(plenish/sync-to-latest datomic-conn pg-conn metaschema)

There are more fine-grained functions if you want to have greater control over the process.

(let [;; find the most recent transaction that has been copied, or `nil` if this
      ;; is the first run
      max-t (plenish/find-max-t pg-conn)

      ;; query the current datomic schema. plenish will track schema changes as
      ;; it processes transcations, but it needs to know what the schema looks
      ;; like so far.
      ctx   (plenish/initial-ctx datomic-conn metaschema max-t)

      ;; grab the datomic transactions you want plenish to process. this grabs
      ;; all transactions that haven't been processed yet.
      txs   (d/tx-range (d/log datomic-conn) (when max-t (inc max-t)) nil)]

  ;; get to work
  (plenish/import-tx-range ctx datomic-conn pg-conn txs))

Note that Plenish will ensure that a transaction is never processed twice (through a PostgreSQL uniqueness constraint on the tranactions table), but it won't check if you are skipping transactions. This is not a problem if you are using find-max-t as shown above, but if you are piping the tx-report-queue into Plenish then you will have to build in your own guarantees to make sure you don't lose any transactions.


Plenish takes a Metaschema, a map with (currently) a single key, :tables, it's value being a map. Each map entry creates a table, where the map entry is the membership attribute that determines whether an entity becomes a row in that table. The value is a map of configuration keys for that table.

  • :name Name of the table, optional, defaults to the namespace name of the membership attribute
  • :rename Alternative names for specific columns
  • :rename-many-table Alternative names for join tables created for has-many attributes
 {:user/name {:name "users"
              :rename {:user/profile "profile_url"}
  :user-group/name {:rename-many-table {:user-group/users "group_members"}}}}

This above configuration will result in three tables, users, user-group, and group_members. Had the :rename-many-table been omitted, the last would be called user_group_x_user.

The columns in each table are determined by which attributes coincide with the membership attributes. The column names are the attribute names without namespace. You can use :rename to set them explicitly.

Running tests

Requires PostgreSQL to be running. To not have to mess around with permissions we run it like so:

docker run -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -p 5432:5432 postgres

Now you can


as usual.


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