This repository proposes a python implementation for stabilized ICA decomposition algorithm. Most of the technical details can be found in the references [1], [2] and [3].
We also propose an implementation of the Mutual Nearest Neighbors method as well as a visualization tool to draw the associated network. This method is used to study the stability of the ICA components through different datasets.
We provide two jupyter notebooks for an illustration with transcriptomic data:
The data set which goes with the jupyter notebook "ICA decomposition with stabilized ICA" can be found in the .zip file Please extract locally the data set before running the notebook.
For the jupyter notebook "Stability of ICA components accross several NSCLC cohorts" please note that you will have to load the data yourself in order to run it (all the necessary links are reported on the notebook).
To run this algorithm as well as the jupyter notebook, one will need the following python packages:
- joblib
- json
- matplotlib.pyplot
- networkx
- numpy
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- tdqm
This package was created as a part of Master stage by Nicolas Captier in the Computational Systems Biology of Cancer group of Institut Curie.
[1] "Determining the optimal number of independent components for reproducible transcriptomic data analysis" - Kairov et al. 2017
[2] "Assessing reproducibility of matrix factorization methods in independent transcriptomes" - Cantini et al. 2019
[3] "Icasso: software for investigating the reliability of ICA estimates by clustering and visualization" - Himberg et al. 2003