I was created simple query of javascript code. You can easy write code of Javascript and you can easy to do DOM (Document Object Model). If you familiar with jQuery, gQuery can be used with jQuery. Garuda Query Javascript was design for CLIENT SIDE
Garuda Query has an identical symbol with underscore in front of function name ( No Conflict ), So you can also use this library with another framework javascript like VUE.js, REACT.js, ANGULAR.js, and more. Everything has been tested and support much browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera , Safari & Internet Explorer).
You can create a professional front end website with gQuery and then you might use jQuery for make the perfect front end ( I use jQuery for open the modal, create animation & document ready function ).
Special Thanks To BULMA CSS
You can also modify the source code and you can use for distribution or production.
- All Of Function - All Of Function
- Room Chat - Real Time Chat
- GarudaFramework - Garuda Framework Javascript Demo
- GarudaFrameworkPro - Garuda Framework Pro Demo
First you have to Download / Clone this repository.
Copy this code if you want to clone.
git clone https://github.com/lamhotsimamora/GF-Javascript.git
or copy this code to your HTML
<script src="JS/GF-1.js"></script>
<script src="GF-1.js"></script>
or if you want to use for production you can use this CDN, just copy this code to your HTML
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/lamhotsimamora/GF-Javascript/master/JS/GF-1.js"></script>
You will be see log on console, and you can disable the console log with change the value of variabel run_console
- Open "GF-1.js"
- See on line 1
- If you find this code
var run_console = false;
, change totrue
, and the end the code will bevar run_console = true;
You can write custom console log with color RED with this code
or You can write to console log with color GREEN with this code ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-2.html )
_writeLog("Custom Console Log",false);
For filter array value, like remove undefined , null, or false, you can do with this code
var data_array = ['lorem','ipsum',null,'false'];
var new_array = _cleanArray(data_array,null,'false');
For give event on focus, you just write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-5.html )
<!-- html -->
<input type="text" id="my_focus" class="form-control" name="" placeholder="My Focus">
// gQuery
_writeLog("On Focus : Do Something Here");
For give event resize screen, you just write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-5.html )
_writeLog("Resize Screen : "+r);
For give event mouse over you just write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-10.html )
alert("Do something here...");
For give event mouse out you just write code like this
alert("Do something here...");
For print object or body HTML, you can write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-10.html )
or if you want to print full of body,
For create new Iframe, you can do with this code , ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-9.html )
// function _newIframe() will be return id of iframe -> iframe1
// _newIframe("URL",width,height,id_object);
var id =_newIframe("http://www.garudaframeworkpro.lamhotsimamora.com",500,500,"my_frame");
or ( if id is not set, so it's can be document write )
var obj = _newIframe("http://www.garudaframeworkpro.lamhotsimamora.com",500,500);
For select text, you just write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-8.html )
<!-- html -->
<textarea class="form-control" id="my_text_area">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
// gQuery
For add option value HTML,
<!-- html -->
<select name="my_select" class="form-control" id="my_select">
<option value="1">A</option>
you can write code like this, ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-8.html )
var data_val = [
var data_fruit = [
For get value or text of select option when selected, you just write code like this
// For get value
var value_first = _getOption("my_select");
// For get text of value
var text_first = _getOption("my_select",true);
For set disabled right click, you just write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-4.html )
_rightClick("Disabled Right Click");
or you can use callback function
alert("Do Something Here");
For write value to body HTML document.body.innerHTML = "Lorem Ipsum", you can write code like this
_writeBody("Lorem Ipsum");
For add item to list,
<!-- html -->
<ul id="list_1">
you can write code like this, ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-7.html )
var data_list_1 = [
// 'list-group-item' is a class css, you can type the class inside that.
For add item to table,
<!-- html -->
<table class="table table-bordered">
<tbody id="table_val">
you can write code like this, ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-7.html )
var data_table = [
For draw image to canvas HTML, you can write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-6.html )
For draw line to canvas HTML, you can write code like this
For draw text to canvas HTML, you can write code like this
_drawText("my_canvas","Lamhot Simamora");
For draw circle to canvas HTML, you can write code like this
For clear canvas HTML, you can write code like this
For set data to attribute of object by element id, you just write code like this ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-5.html )
<!-- html -->
<div id="d_username" data-username=""></div>
// gQuery
var g1 = new _gData("d_username","data-username","Lorem Ipsum");
and you can get value data of attribute, like this
<!-- html -->
<div id="d_username" data-username="Lorem Ipsum Name"></div>
// gQuery
var g2 = new _gData("d_username","data-username");
For give event keyboard arrow left , right, up and down ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-4.html )
or with custom key code, example backspace key code ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-4.html )
_writeLog("BACK SPACE");
For import file of javascript to HTML , you can do with this code ( https://lamhotsimamora.github.io/GF-Javascript/index-3.html )
For get the base URL you can use this method
var my_url = _myUrl();
For smooth scroll to object of DIV, you just write code like this
For get date, day,month, year and time, you can use this method
var year = _getYear();
var day = _getDay();
var month = _getMonth();
var dayNameEng = _getDayName();
var dayNameInd = _getDayName(true);
var date_1 = _getDate();
var date_2 = _getDate("-");
var monthNameEng = _getMonthName();
var monthNameInd = _getMonthName(true);
var time = _getTime();
For get screen width and height, you just write code like this
var screen_width = _sWidth;
var screen_height = _sHeight;
Example code for preview image before upload with input file
- wet_asphalt = "#34495e"
- midnight_blue = "#2c3e50"
- concrete = "#95a5a6"
- asbestos = "#7f8c8d"
- turqoise = "#1abc9c"
- green_sea = "#16a085"
- peter_river = "#3498db"
- belize_hole = "#2980b9"
- amethyst = "#9b59b6"
- wisteria = "#8e44ad"
- alizarian = "#e74c3c"
- pomegranate = "#c0392b"
- clouds = "#ecf0f1"
- silver = "#bdc3c7"
- carrot = "#e67e22"
- pumpkin = "#d35400"
- sun_flower = "#f1c40f"
- orange = "#f39c12"
- emerald = "#2ecc71"
- nephritis = "#27ae60"
Example code to write console log with color alizarian, Don't forget to write flat_ui_color before the name of color
For give event onkeyup of input text
value = _getValById("txt_email");
For give event onkeyup of input text and then write to text
For give event onkeydown of input text
value = _getValById("txt_email");
For give query selector style background color
For give query selector inner HTML
_qSelectorHTML("#div1","Hello World !");
For refresh the current page
or with your URL
For check valid URL
For remove the object
For display object
For hidden object
For check style hidden object
For give event onclick to button
// do something
For give event double click to button
// do something
For get base URL of document
For get title of HTML
For get count of image on HTML
For get count of link on HTML
For get count of Form on HTML
For set an image to image of object
_setImage("id_of_object","image path");
For get all cookie client
For get domain name of server
For get value of input text you just write code like this
var id_text = _getValById("input_text_id");
For get value of input text you just write code like this
var name_text = _getValByName("name_of_input");
For get count length of Input with type TEXT you just write code like this
var get = _getIdByName("t_name");
_writeLog(get[0].type == "text");
For get name of object like DIV or Input Text or TextArea you just write code like this
var id_obj = _getNameById("id_of_object");
For only get id of DIV you just write code like this
var get_div = _getById("div_1");
and you can do with this
For set focus of input text you just write code like this
For clear input text you just write code like this
or clear div object you just write code like this
For set value of input text you just write code like this
_setValue("id_of_input_text","Hello World");
For create new tab/form with URL you just write code like this
For create new tab/form with CONTENT you just write code like this
_newForm("Example STRING");
For Inner HTML of object like DIV you just write code like this
For open new url you just write code like this
For create confirm alert box with only action YES you just write code like this
_confirm("are you sure want to exit ?",function(){
alert("Do Something");
or with action NO
_confirm("are you sure want to exit ?",function(){
alert("Do Something");
alert("Do Nothing");
For document write you just write code like this
For write alert using Bootstrap like this page * Bootstrap Alert
You can easy use that just write code like this
For load document AJAX from another page you just write code like this
or you can use function call back like this
if (response==='SOMETHING')
// do something
// do something
Or if you wanna check status response 404, you can use this
if (response===false)
// do something
For request document with GET Ajax from another page you just write code like this
or you can use function call back like this
if (response==='T')
// do something
// do something
Or if you wanna check status response 404, you can use this
if (response===false)
// do something
For request document with POST Ajax from another page you just write code like this
or you can use function call back like this
if (response==='T')
// do something
// do something
Or if you wanna check status response 404, you can use this
if (response===false)
// do something
For create random string or random integer you just write code like this
var get_value = _randomStr();
var get_value = _randomInt();
For generate encode of integer you just write code like this
var id_user = _encryptInt(12312323);
That function i was created with my simple algorithm. So no one know that key except "gQuery"
And for decode it, you can use this code like this
var id_user = _decryptInt(id_user);
For replace string like <script> </script> or tag php <?php, you can use this code
_replaceMaster("example replace string <html> <input type='text'> <button> <hr> and more");
For return the value of _replaceMaster, you can use this code
For ecape the HTML code, you can use this code
_escapeHtml("<h1>hello world</h1>");
You can check email , and the result will be return true if email is valid
You can easy create cookie with this code
You can easy get cookie with this code
You can easy delete cookie with this code
You can easy detect browser user with this code
var get_browser = _detectBrowser();
You can easy get location user with this code ( return latitude and longitude )
or you can use function call back like this
var latlong = result.coords.latitude + "," + result.coords.longitude;
The MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE.md
for more details