jQuery getting too big?
The primary goal of this project would be for the feedback/demand to kickstart jquery.com into re-organizing its code-base so it's more modular since we believe we've proved the most useful parts of jQuery is a fraction of its code-base.
To this end, follow this project if you want jquery.com to measure the demand for this. Another project with similar goals is http://ender.no.de/ - for node.js.
- New! - Build customizable jquip packages with the new jQuip Library Builder service.
- Node js build scripts added to minify jquip with UglifyJS.
Smaller, Lighter, Faster, more modular jQuery - include only the parts you want! Don't use it, Don't include it.
The core jquip.js is only 4.28KB (minified and gzipped) only 13% of the size of jQuery.
Has 90% of the good parts of jQuery (rest to be added plugins as needed), small enough to drop-in as source saving an external js reference.
Includes 7-8x Faster DOM traversal for <= IE7. (i.e. where there's no querySelector) *see limitations below.
Most code has been ported from jQuery and optimized where possible, e.g. internals use underscore's native _.each
over jquery's slower $.each
Licence: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Methods marked with * are only partially implemented.
- $(selector, context), $(element), $(array)
- $(callback) requires docready plugin.
- each
- attr
- bind
- unbind
- data
- append
- prepend
- before
- after
- toggle*
- hide, show, fadeIn and fadeOut - does so without animation, consider using jquery.animate-enhanced plugin*
- eq
- first
- last
- slice
- find*
- remove
- val - does not do checkbox, select, etc.
- html
- addClass
- removeClass
- hasClass
- trigger
- parent
- parents
- parentsUntil
- next
- prev
- nextAll
- nextUntil
- prevUntil
- siblings
- children
- contents
- scrollLeft
- scrollTop
blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error
- $.each and Underscore's faster $._each
- $._select
- $.filter
- $.dir
- $.nth
- $.sibling
- $.map
- $.bind
- $.unbind
- $.data
- $.attrs
- $.trim
- $.indexOf
- $.isFunction
- $.isArray
- $.isWindow
- $.isNaN
- $.merge
- $.extend
- $.unique
- $.fromHtml - creates a document fragment from a html string
Pick and choose the parts of jQuery when and add you use them.
Other parts of jQuery can be Added via Plugins which is simply a matter of copying or including the
script after the core jquip.js
yep, it's a plugin!
based on David Flanagan HttpUtils modfied to work like jQuery's ajax.
- $.queryString - cached map of queryString variables
- $.is[Tab|Enter|Shift|...] - static functions to detect named keys pressed, e.g.
if ($.isEnter(e)) console.log("pressed enter")
- $.cancelEvent - cross-browser fn to
, returns false.
Parts of jQuery that aren't ported over (because of code size) throw a "not implemented exception". At the moment this only gets thrown for complex filters that filter (i.e $().find) on more than a tagName.
- For <= IE7 all selectors require an Id (i.e. #) or Tag Name (e.g. INPUT) in each child selector.
Valid Examples:
- #btnSubmit SPAN
- TBODY INPUT[name='chkProcess']
- TBODY INPUT[type='text']
Events passed to your event handers are the 'real' browser DOM events. You can use the jquip.custom $.namedKey() feature for cross-browser key detection.
The project now includes the node.js /server/jquip.builder.js so you can host your own jquip Library builder service internally.
I'd love help with this so Contributors and pull requests are very welcome!
The main task that needs doing is to get all the missing jQuery parts in as plugins and a comprehensive test suite so we can properly identify the parts of jQuery supported.
Feedback is welcome, drop me a line on @demisbellot.