My blog landotube created using the simplegoblog. Deployed using Docker.
I have uploaded my blog to github as an example on how to create a blog using simplegoblog. All changes to the blog will be committed here and available for all to see.
This is my first actual application written using the Go Language and therefore you should expect some bugs.
With a healthy Go Language installed, simply run go get
With a healthy Go Language installed, simply run go build
package main
import (
func main() {
blog := SimpleBlog.Create(directory)
// If you want to overwrite the NotFound page
// Or
// Any custom handlers
err := blog.AddCustomHandler("/custom", func() {})
if err != nil {
// Start the server
err != blog.Start()
if err != nil {
As the blog posts are marshalled to/from json and written to disk it would make sense to add a feature that would allow you to use a json backed data store such as mongodb.
simplegoblog was written by Landon Wainwright | GitHub.
Follow me on Twitter @landotube! Although I don't really tweet much tbh.