Autoencoder for word2vec word embedding files.
Main training script. Runs
Script to compute and save distance vectors for a given vocab set.
Main script. Calls and Given an embedding in .txt or .bin format, preproceses, and generates in batches distance vectors. Uses single-hidden layer autoencoder to compress distance vectors into shape of source embedding file. Saves the model and saves embedding vectors as text file. If the script is run with a model name which already exists, it saves the embedding vectors instead of retraining.
Function which creates a new batch of size batch_size, randomly chosen from our dataset. For batch_size = 1, we are just taking one 100-dimen- sional vector and computing its distance from every other vector in the dataset and then we have a num_inputs-dimensional vector which rep -resents the distance of every vector from our "batch" vector. If we choose batch_size = k, then we would have k num_inputs-dimensional ve- ctors.
Script to generate an embedding with random, normalized vectors for each token from a source vocab file.
Preprocessing for
Quick and dirty script to convert embeddings from text to binary or vice-versa.
Compute and print the average vector norm given the location of a pretrained embedding.
Saves first n most frequent vectors given a pretrained embedding file.
Unfinished script to compute nearest neighbors.
Development notes.
The ideas is that we pick one (ora few, this is "batch_size"), and compute the distance from this embedding to all others, and train on this at each step. A placeholder is a stand-in for our dataset. We'll assign data to it at a later date. Data is "fed" into the persistent TensorFlow network graph through these placeholders.