What are "ecopop units?"
Ecopop units (EUs) are spatially continuous regions that feature similar habitat potential ("eco") and human population ("pop") density. Think “typologies”; EUs were designed to serve as the “grid cells” that bridge the scale gap between an Earth System Model's grid cells (fractions of a degree) and local, process-based population dynamics models (sometimes at-a-point).
Note that "ecopop" was derived from an earlier version called "hydropop," so some figures may refer to "hydropop" or "HPU."
conda env create -f environment.yml # environment file in repo
pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/VeinsOfTheEarth/rabpro.git
python ecopop/dev/end_to_end_new.py
For installation instructions and descriptions of outputs, see the docs.
# build docs
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
cd docs && sphinx-build -M html source build
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