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My linux setup including vim config (based on this) etc. Be sure to always be in home dir (cd ~) when installing!

Note: I'm using the WSL with Kali-Linux for this setup. Currently im using Ubuntu with Regolith-Linux and rarely KDE. And alot of vim and the command line. Absolutely worth learning!

Find detailed vim shortcut list here.


zsh and other necessary packages

sudo apt-get install zsh git neovim g++ gcc gdb cgdb valgrind default-jdk tig
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

helpful packages

pip install thefuck

fixing the WSL font / icon bug with zsh (on Windows):

  1. download and install the ttf fonts from powerline manually on your Windows PC
  2. set terminal default settings to DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline.ttf under Right Click on Terminal > Default values > Font

installing powerlevel10k

git clone --depth=1 ~/powerlevel10k
echo 'source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>~/.zshrc

Now restart the zsh (the terminal) and go back to home directory (cd ~). Configure powerlevel10k as you want it (you can always reconfigure it anytime with p10k configure).

installing external language beautifiers (for vim)

Note: apt-get package manager has to be replaced with yours (on mac e.g. with brew install).

copy setup from this repository

git clone
cd linux-setup
cp -R * ..
cp -R .[a-zA-Z0-9]* ..
cd ..

copy mkcpp into /usr/bin

sudo cp mkcpp /usr/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/mkcpp

install neovim pyhton suppport

pip3 install pynvim --upgrade 

installing plugins (in vim)


setup copilot

:Copilot setup

setup copilot cli


github store creds

 git config --global --replace-all credential.helper store

clean up

rm -rf LICENSE executevim.cpp



  • more beautiful look of shell
  • more possibilites


  • press F2 to toggle paste mode
  • git implementation
    • use F3 for git pull
    • use F4 for git add -A && git commit -m "...
    • use F5 for git push
  • press F6 to copy .clang-format to current directory, whenever saving the file it will be beautified
  • press F7 to compile and execute automatically (single files only)
    • currently supported: c, c++, java, python
    • params can be entered
    • choose between debugging with cgdb and valgrind or release mode
  • press F8 to toggle style
  • press F9 or " to toggle tree
    • open folders with enter
    • replace file in current window by clicking enter on file
    • open multiple tabs with t and switch between them with gt and gT or with alt-j and alt-k
    • with v to open file in split window to left
    • switch between windows by pressing ctrl+w and then use the standard movement keys to switch between windows (h, j, k and l)
  • press F10 to :q!
  • press jk at the same time in insert mode to exit it
  • press ö to jump to end of line, insert curly-braces and be in insert mode in the line
    • example: int main(int argc), your cursor is at argc
    • exit insert mode and press ö, you will get:
      int main(int argc) {
          // you are here
  • press ä to jump to end of line and insert a semicolon
  • press ü to delete two together belonging parenthesis, brackets or braces
  • press + in visual or command mode to swap inline comment of line
  • press - in command mode to actually enter a newline below staying in command mode
  • auto format on save
  • auto indent and bracket replacement
  • general styling
  • error linting
  • use vip *.c for example to open all files ending with '.c' in pwd


  • enter mkcpp name to create in current directory a cpp file with belonging header and include this header in cpp file

standard debugging of easy program

cgdb, gdb

  • compile c++ code with g++ -o0 -ggdb3 filename.cpp -o execname
  • start debugger with cgdb filename or gdb -tui filename
    • set a breakpoint at main: break main
    • run with: run param1 param2 ... paramN
    • n or s for line to line stepping, then only press enter

valgrind (source of explanation)

To run Valgrind, pass the executable as an argument (along with any parameters to the program).

valgrind --leak-check=full \
         --show-leak-kinds=all \
         --track-origins=yes \
         --verbose \
         --log-file=valgrind-out.txt \
         ./executable exampleParam1



My linux setup including vim config etc.








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