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GitHub Actions workflow to build example sketches (#159) #1

GitHub Actions workflow to build example sketches (#159)

GitHub Actions workflow to build example sketches (#159) #1

# Description: 'Run the Arduino CLI to compile example sketches and check if they compile correctly for multiple boards'
# Author: 'Jorge Rivera' #url: ''
# This is the name of the workflow, visible on GitHub UI.
name: Compile examples
# Controls when the action will run.
# Here we tell GitHub to run the workflow when a commit.
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events
- "src/**"
- "examples/**"
- ".github/workflows/CompileExamples.yml"
- "src/**"
- "examples/**"
- ".github/workflows/CompileExamples.yml"
# Scheduled the first day of every month at 00:00h UTC
- cron: '0 0 1 * *'
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# This is the list of jobs that will be run concurrently.
# Since we use a build matrix, the actual number of jobs
# started depends on how many configurations the matrix
# will produce.
# This is the name of the job
name: "Compile for ${{ matrix.config.board }}"
# This is the platform GitHub will use to run our workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Here we tell GitHub that the jobs must be determined
# dynamically depending on a matrix configuration.
# Set to false so that GitHub does not cancel all jobs
# in progress if any array job fails.
fail-fast: false
# The matrix will produce one job for each configuration:
- board: "Arduino Uno"
fqbn: "arduino:avr:uno"
platform: "arduino:avr"
- board: "Arduino Leonardo"
fqbn: "arduino:avr:leonardo"
platform: "arduino:avr"
- board: "Arduino Mega2560"
fqbn: "arduino:avr:mega"
platform: "arduino:avr"
- board: "Arduino Due"
fqbn: "arduino:sam:arduino_due_x"
platform: "arduino:sam"
- board: "ESP32 NodeMCU-32S"
fqbn: "esp32:esp32:nodemcu-32s"
platform: "esp32:esp32"
additional-url: "--additional-urls"
# This is the list of steps this job will run.
# We use the "arduino/setup-arduino-cli" action to install and
# configure the Arduino CLI on the system.
- name: Setup Arduino CLI
uses: arduino/setup-arduino-cli@v2
# We then install the platform, which one will be determined
# dynamically by the build matrix.
- name: Install platform ${{ matrix.config.platform }}
run: |
arduino-cli config init -v ${{ matrix.config.additional-url }}
arduino-cli core update-index -v
arduino-cli core install -v ${{ matrix.config.platform }} --run-post-install
# Install generic libraries from Arduino library manager.
- name: Install Arduino libraries
run: |
arduino-cli lib update-index
arduino-cli lib install Ethernet
arduino-cli lib install LoRa
# First of all, we clone the repo using the "checkout" action.
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Finally, we compile the sketches, using the FQBN that was set in the boards matrix.
- name: Compile examples for ${{ matrix.config.board }}
id: compile
fqbn: ${{ matrix.config.fqbn }}
run: |
# Compile example sketches:
export errors=()
for sketch in $( find ./examples -name "*.ino"|sed "s/\ /__SPACE__/g" )
sketch_path=$( echo $sketch |sed "s/__SPACE__/\ /g" )
grep -qE 'WiFi|ETH' $sketch_path && grep -qiv '^esp' <<< $fqbn && echo -e "\033[33;1;4mSkip example sketch: $sketch_path for $fqbn board\033[0m" || \
echo -e "\033[34;1;4mCompile example sketch: $sketch_path\033[0m"
arduino-cli compile --fqbn ${{ matrix.config.fqbn }} --warnings none `grep -q 'STD_FUNCTION_MIDDLEWARE' $sketch_path && echo "--build-property build.extra_flags=-DSTD_FUNCTION_MIDDLEWARE"` \
--library ../aWOT \
"$sketch_path" \
|| { errors+=($sketch) ; echo -e "\033[31;1;4mERROR COMPILING SKETCH: $sketch_path\033[0m\r\n" ;} \
echo "errors=${errors[@]}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Show errors
- name: Show errors
if: ${{ steps.compile.outputs.errors }}
errors: ${{ steps.compile.outputs.errors }}
run: |
# Show errors
for sketch in $errors
sketch_path=$( echo $sketch |sed "s/__SPACE__/\ /g" )
echo -e "\033[31;1;4mERROR COMPILING SKETCH: $sketch_path\033[0m"
exit 1