This mushaf is still not proof read. Please use is cautiously.
This repositry uses text from therefore I a little bit confident that it'll have less mistakes.
This repository has individual HTML5 files for every soora. Since HTML5 is based on XML therefore these files can be used as an XML source for your API.
- Usage of end of ayah (U+06DD) with Arabic numbers
- Usage of correct codes for Open Tanween (U+08F0, U+08F1 and U+08F2)
- Separate tags for ramooz signs within text
- Separate tags for additional information which is normally published in the margins
- Each ayah has attributes for juz, manzil, hizb and hizb quarter numbers.
- List of all characters used in this mushaf is located here:
- Usage of U+0675 (High Hamza Alef) where Alef has high hamza before Alef and not on top of it.
- Usage of U+2060 between Fatha and Super Script Alef in all alphabets where they are not intended to stack over each other.
The contents of this repository are hosted at
Final shape of Yeh in this Quran style does not have dots (nukta) at the bottom. Therefore I have used Farsi Yeh. However I have kept Alef Maqsura throughout the text wherever it's needed. Here is a video which explains it: