Generates latex templates (e.g., for thesis, workshops, conferences, IEEEtran, LNCS, ...) out of "micro-templates"
- Paper: Oliver Kopp - The LaTeX template generator: How micro-templates reduce template maintenance effort
- Talk: Oliver Kopp - The LaTeX Template Generator - DANTE Herbsttagung 2019 - a talk on the motivation, user experience, and the contribution
There are many latex templates out there.
All of them make use of certain packages such as hyperref, listings, or minted.
The packages have to be a) included in the .tex
file somehow and b) configured.
Moreover, some packages offer interfaces (such as new commands or new environments) to users.
Minimal examples help to understand how a package works.
The aim of the repository is to provide for each common latex package
- Configuration
- Usage example
and a generation into templates:
- Support for ACM, IEEE, LNCS, KOMA-Script
- Support for separate documents which require
and not. - Support for integrated pdflatex and lualatex documents
One has to install Node.js version 18 (or later) to get this generator running. For simple installation, just head to and follow the installation instructions.
One can start using the generator directly using the node execution wrapper npx:
npx -p yo -p generator-latex-template -c 'yo latex-template'
In case one wants to have the generator installed permanently (or npx
does work as expected), one can install generator-latex-template
using following command:
npm install -g generator-latex-template
Then, one can invoke the generator as follows:
yo latex-template
on each run. This will destroy your work.
You can use the magic of git
to prevent that:
After repository initialization:
git commit
to save your workgit checkout -b template
- to create a branch with initial template (required for updating)git checkout main
switch back to your thesis
Work on the
branch -
In case an update comes in, update the
branchgit checkout template
- switch to thetemplate
branchyo latex-template
- generate new templategit commit
- save the new templategit checkout main
- switch to your workgit merge template
- merge in the template changes- resolve conflicts ^^ (Hint: IntelliJ Community Edition has a great conflict resolving tool)
- IEEE - example: paper-conference-minted.tex
- LNCS - example: paper.tex
- scientific-thesis-template - example: latexhints-english.tex
- alpenwasser/TeX
- Create directory structure
- Sort in examples from the scientific-thesis-template
- Have scientific-thesis-template generated completely.
- Have LNCS generated completely.
- Have uni-stuttgart-dissertation-template generated automatically.
In the long run, the contents of the paper.tex
(and similar) files in repositories of the latextemplates organization should be generated automatically.
- Templating language:
- Conditional questions:
- Types of prompts:
- E.g., Question
- Add a new question
- Also adapt
- Execute tests with
npx jest
- Also adapt
- Update NPM dependencies
npx npm-update-all
. See FreeCodeCamp for more details.npx npm-check-updates -u
. [Source]- See for changes in the generator.
- Generate
only:npm i --package-lock-only
- When one encounters
Cannot find module 'yeoman-generator'
, please update the npm dependencies. That error occurred when using version4.13.0
was available. - In case of the error "Error: EACCES, permission denied '/root/.config/configstore/insight-yo.json'", one needs to execute
chmod g+rwx /root /root/.config /root/.config/configstore
- Check GitHub actions
- Use actionlint
- Use vs.code GitHub actions plugin
- Use act for checking:
act --rm --platform ubuntu-latest=fwilhe2/act-runner:latest -W .github/workflows/check-ieee-conference-a4-pdflatex-bibtex-2023-true.yml
- When adding a new package use
(see above) or execute following steps:- execute
(in a clean directory) - run
- run
- copy
to the root of the{repository-root}/generators/app/templates
- adapt
as required
- execute
- When issues with the template occur:
npx ejs-lint main.en.tex
- Cancel workflows:
gh run list -L 100 --json databaseId -s queued -R latextemplates/generator-latex-template | jq -r '.[] | .databaseId' | awk '{gsub(/\\r\\n/,RS)} 1' | while read -r run_id; do gh run cancel "$run_id" -R latextemplates/generator-latex-template || true; done
gh run list -L 100 --json databaseId -s in_progress -R latextemplates/generator-latex-template | jq -r '.[] | .databaseId' | awk '{gsub(/\\r\\n/,RS)} 1' | while read -r run_id; do gh run cancel "$run_id" -R latextemplates/generator-latex-template || true; done
- Update submodule of "derived" templates (LNCS, ...):
- All workflows test
- and (nearly) all possible combinations. - All
repositories test withoverleaf=true
- and only the typical settings for the template. refine-ltg
is the development branch for the template generator; only a small set of workflows enabled there due to load during testing.update-ltg
is the development branch at each*-refined
- Create empty directory ("target directory")
- Change to the target directory
- Run
npx yo <path-to-git-repository>/generators/app/index.js
. Background: Starting from 5.0.0 on, one needs to specify the full path to index.js. - Windows:
npx yo c:\git-repositories\latextemplates\generator-latex-template\generators\app\index.js
Parameters can be set using command line
- lncs:
npx yo /tmp/repo/generators/app/index.js --documentclass=lncs --papersize=a4 --latexcompiler=pdflatex --bibtextool=bibtex --texlive=2024 --docker=false --lang=en --font=default --listings=listings --enquotes=csquotes --tweakouterquote=babel --todo=pdfcomment --examples=true --howtotext=true
Parameters can be set using command line
- IEEE template (with pdflatex and bibtex):
npx yo c:\git-repositories\latextemplates\generator-latex-template\generators\app\index.js --overleaf=false --documentclass=ieee --ieeevariant=conference --papersize=a4 --latexcompiler=pdflatex --bibtextool=bibtex --texlive=2024 --docker=reitzig --lang=en --font=default --listings=listings --enquotes=csquotes --tweakouterquote=babel --todo=pdfcomment --examples=true --howtotext=true
- LNCS template (with pdflatex and bibtex):
npx yo c:\git-repositories\latextemplates\generator-latex-template\generators\app\index.js --overleaf=false --documentclass=lncs ---papersize=a4 --latexcompiler=pdflatex --bibtextool=bibtex --texlive=2024 --docker=false --lang=en --font=default --listings=listings --enquotes=csquotes --tweakouterquote=babel --todo=pdfcomment --examples=true --howtotext=true
- Scientific Thesis template:
npx yo c:\git-repositories\latextemplates\generator-latex-template\generators\app\index.js --overleaf=false --documentclass=scientific-thesis --papersize=a4 --latexcompiler=pdflatex --bibtextool=bibtex --texlive=2024 --lang=en --font=default --listings=listings --enquotes=csquotes --tweakouterquote=babel --todo=pdfcomment --examples=true --howtotext=true
- USTUTT template:
npx yo c:\git-repositories\latextemplates\generator-latex-template\generators\app\index.js --overleaf=false --documentclass=ustutt --papersize=a5 --latexcompiler=lualatex --bibtextool=biblatex --texlive=2024 --lang=en --font=default --listings=listings --enquotes=csquotes --tweakouterquote=babel --todo=todonotes --examples=true --howtotext=true
is the preferred TODO package here.
- Run
to build the PDF
To fire up a TeX Live installation and use the Dependency Printer for TeX Live to refine Texlivefile
, execute following steps:
docker run -it --rm -v c:\temp\ltg:/ltg
cd /tmp
git clone
cd depp
l3build install
cd /ltg
# edit paper.tex and add `\RequirePackage[dependency-file=Texlivefile]{depp}`
lualatex/pdflatex paper
docker build --progress=plain -t reitzig -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it --rm -v c:\temp\ltg:/work/src -v c:\temp\ltg-out:/work/out reitzig work latexmk
<% if (howtotext) { -%>
<% } else { -%>
<% } -%>
<% switch (documentclass) { case "lncs": -%>
<% break; case "ieee": -%>
<% break; default: -%>
<% break; } -%>
A launch.json
configured for Windows and Visual Studio Code is included.
Just press F5 and the generator should run in debug mode.
ejslint.cmd c:\git-repositories\latextemplates\generator-latex-template\generators\app\templates\main.en.tex
heading etc.) -
, publish to npmjs, create GitHub release. Use release-it (do not create a release on GitHub) and github-release-from-changelog.npx release-it
npx github-release-from-changelog
The code is licensed 0BSD, the snippets (both LaTeX and text) 0BSD, too. See benbalter/talks#15, for a reasoning, why CC0 cannot be used.
is taken from tpavlic/splncs04nat and is MIT-licensed.generators/app/templates/logos/
: This directory contains logos, which have special licenses.