In this post we describe how to deploy OCP4 on IaaS/bare metal in partially disconnected mode using the AI service on premise. Workers and Masters will boot from an ISO built so that a local Quay registry is used to retrieve the required images for deployment.
- Bastion machine with internet access, accessible from the nodes with 2TB storage capacity that will run Assisted Service and act as:
- Local Quay registry
- DNS server
- NTP server
- IaaS with boot from ISO support (eg: Vsphere, OpenStack, Nutanix)
⚠ We assume readers are already familiar with assisted installer and/or have read this post:
- Bastion machine with internet access, accessible from the nodes with 2TB storage capacity that will run Assisted Service and act as:
Mirror Registry allows user to easily install Quay and its required components using a simple CLI tool. It is the perfect tool to demonstrate disconnected OCP installation but is not to be used in production.
See bellow how to install and quickly configure it:
BASTIONFQDN=$(hostname -f) wget -O /opt/mirror-registry/mirror-registry.tar.gz cd /opt/mirror-registry tar zxvf mirror-registry.tar.gz quayRoot='/mirror-ocp/quay' ./mirror-registry install --initPassword=<your password> --targetHostname $BASTIONFQDN --quayRoot $quayRoot
So we can connect to both our local registry and Red Hat public Quay and pull the images, we generate a combined pull secret file and store it where Podman expects it.
LOCAL_REGISTRY="$BASTIONFQDN:8443" podman login --authfile privaterepo.json \ -u init \ -p <your password> \ ${LOCAL_REGISTRY} \ --tls-verify=false jq -cM -s '{"auths": ( .[0].auths + .[1].auths ) }' privaterepo.json pull-secret.json > compiled-pull-secret.json
mkdir -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/containers/ cp compiled-pull-secret.json $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/containers/auth.json
During quay installation, a self signed certificate is created. In order to avoid certificate errors when connecting to the private registry, it must be added to the Bastion Trust Store.
cp $quayRoot/quay-rootCA/rootCA.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ update-ca-trust extract
We'll need the certificate for later
cp $quayRoot/quay-rootCA/rootCA.pem Certs/rootCA.pem
This command downloads and pushes the images needed for OCP 4.10 installation to the private registry.
LOCAL_SECRET_JSON='compiled-pull-secret.json' LOCAL_REGISTRY="$BASTIONFQDN:8443" RELEASE_NAME="ocp-release" ARCHITECTURE="x86_64" OCP_RELEASE="4.10.14" LOCAL_REPOSITORY="ocp4/openshift4" PRODUCT_REPO="openshift-release-dev" oc adm release mirror -a ${LOCAL_SECRET_JSON} \${PRODUCT_REPO}/${RELEASE_NAME}:${OCP_RELEASE}-${ARCHITECTURE} \ --to=${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REPOSITORY} \ --to-release-image=${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REPOSITORY}:${OCP_RELEASE}-${ARCHITECTURE} --insecure=true
⚠ If you get an error, make sure you create a set of ssh keys named quay_installer
This operation requires a lot of time and at least 2To of storage on the bastion machine. It's only optional for now and can be skipped if you only want to try images mirroring.
oc adm catalog mirror $LOCAL_REGISTRY/ocp-operator --index-filter-by-os='linux/amd64'
In this scenario the service and associated components are deployed onto the Bastion host in containers using Podman.
Get the bits
git clone cp -r assisted-service/deploy/podman /opt/podman-ai-onprem cd /opt/podman-ai-onprem
Modify Pod configuration
AI service environment variables are defined in configmap.yml and pod.yml. Both need to be amended to insure we use the private registry previously created and that the private registry root CA is in the assisted-service Trust Store.
In configmap.yml modify PUBLIC_CONTAINER_REGISTRIES and RELEASE_IMAGES values as shown bellow. Basically we instruct AI to pull images from our local registry. (See example in podman folder)
LOCAL_REGISTRY="$BASTIONFQDN:8443" RELEASE_NAME="ocp-release" ARCHITECTURE="x86_64" OCP_RELEASE="4.10.14" LOCAL_REPOSITORY="ocp4/openshift4" BASTIONIP='' PUBLIC_CONTAINER_REGISTRIES: ',${LOCAL_REGISTRY}' RELEASE_IMAGES: '[{"openshift_version":"4.10","cpu_architecture":"x86_64","url":"${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${ocp4/openshift4}:${OCP_RELEASE}-${ARCHITECTURE}","version":"${OCP_RELEASE}","default":true}]' SERVICE_BASE_URL: http://$BASTIONIP:8090
The assisted service pod needs access to the host Trust Store where we added Quay Root certificate. One way to achieve that is to add a volumeMounts in the pod definition file pointing to the host Trust Store (See example in podman folder).
volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem name: registry-ca restartPolicy: Never volumes: - hostPath: path: /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem type: Directory name: registry-ca
Start the assisted service
podman play kube --configmap configmap-disconnected.yml pod-ca.yml
After a while the GUI should be accessible at https://BASTIONIP:8080. We are now ready to use AI and deploy an OCP cluster in disconnected mode.
Prepare the cluster configuration file
⚠ All commands must be issued from the ai-files directory and network infos modified to fit your environment
By specifying private-repo.json as pull_secret parameter, we instruct AI to use the local registry.
export AI_URL='http://$BASTIONIP:8090' jq -n --arg PULLSECRET "$(cat privaterepo.json)" --arg SSH_KEY "$(cat ~/.ssh/" '{ "kind": "Cluster", "name": "ocpd", "openshift_version": "4.10", "base_dns_domain": "lab.local", "hyperthreading": "all", "api_vip": "", "ingress_vip": "", "schedulable_masters": false, "platform": { "type": "baremetal" }, "user_managed_networking": false, "cluster_networks": [ { "cidr": "", "host_prefix": 23 } ], "service_networks": [ { "cidr": "" } ], "machine_networks": [ { "cidr": "" } ], "network_type": "OVNKubernetes", "additional_ntp_source": "", "vip_dhcp_allocation": false, "high_availability_mode": "Full", "hosts": [], "ssh_public_key": $SSH_KEY, "pull_secret": $PULLSECRET }' > deployment-disconnected.json
Create the cluster and retrieve its UUID
curl -s -X POST "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/clusters" \ -d @./deployment-disconnected.json \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ | jq . export CLUSTER_ID=$(curl -s -X GET "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/clusters?with_hosts=true" -H "accept: application/json" -H "get_unregistered_clusters: false"| jq -r '.[].id') echo $CLUSTER_ID rm -f deployment-disconnected.json
This command should output the cluster UUID and the UI should show the newly created cluster
Add Trust CA and local repo to install-config.yaml
Assisted Installer allows us to modify install-config.yaml by patching the cluster definition.
First create the following file:
cat << EOF > repo-ca.yaml additionalTrustBundle: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- yourcertificate -----END CERTIFICATE----- imageContentSources: - mirrors: - ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REPOSITORY} source: - mirrors: - ${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${LOCAL_REPOSITORY} source: EOF
Convert repo-ca.yaml to json and patch the cluster
yq -cR . repo-ca.yaml > repo-ca.json curl -X 'PATCH' \ "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/install-config" \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d @./repo-ca.json
You should see no output. To see the amended install-config.yaml, use the following command:
curl -X 'GET' "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/install-config" -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'|jq -r .
Create and patch ISO with registry and certificate infos
With AI, nodes are being booted with the ISO that contains the logic needed to configure them to the desired state. To prepare the ISO, we are going to create an infra-env object through AI API. In this example in addition to setting up certificate and registry configuration, we also are going to assign static IPs to the nodes and set up a bond. See the following blog post for more details ( as well as the examples in the nmstate-config folder.
⚠ The interfaces names and mac addresses must be modified according to your infrastructure specs
Prepare Infra configuration JSON file
export NIC_CONFIG='bond-static' jq -n --arg CLUSTERID "$CLUSTER_ID" --arg PULLSECRET "$(cat pull-secret-privaterepo.json)" \ --arg SSH_KEY "$(cat ~/.ssh/" \ --arg NMSTATEM_YAML0 "$(cat ./nmstate-config/$NIC_CONFIG/nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG-master0.yaml)" --arg NMSTATEM_YAML1 "$(cat ./nmstate-config/$NIC_CONFIG/nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG-master1.yaml)" --arg NMSTATEM_YAML2 "$(cat ./nmstate-config/$NIC_CONFIG/nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG-master2.yaml)" \ --arg NMSTATE_YAML0 "$(cat ./nmstate-config/$NIC_CONFIG/nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG-worker0.yaml)" --arg NMSTATE_YAML1 "$(cat ./nmstate-config/$NIC_CONFIG/nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG-worker1.yaml)" --arg NMSTATE_YAML2 "$(cat ./nmstate-config/$NIC_CONFIG/nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG-worker2.yaml)" '{ "name": "ocpd_infra-env", "openshift_version": "4.10", "pull_secret": $PULLSECRET, "ssh_authorized_key": $SSH_KEY, "image_type": "full-iso", "cluster_id": $CLUSTERID, "static_network_config": [ { "network_yaml": $NMSTATEM_YAML0, "mac_interface_map": [{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:10", "logical_nic_name": "ens3"}, {"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:c0", "logical_nic_name": "ens4"}] }, { "network_yaml": $NMSTATEM_YAML1, "mac_interface_map": [{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:11", "logical_nic_name": "ens3"}, {"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:c1", "logical_nic_name": "ens4"}] }, { "network_yaml": $NMSTATEM_YAML2, "mac_interface_map": [{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:12", "logical_nic_name": "ens3"}, {"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:c2", "logical_nic_name": "ens4"}] }, { "network_yaml": $NMSTATE_YAML0, "mac_interface_map": [{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:20", "logical_nic_name": "ens3"}, {"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:50", "logical_nic_name": "ens4"},{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:60", "logical_nic_name": "ens5"}] }, { "network_yaml": $NMSTATE_YAML1, "mac_interface_map": [{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:21", "logical_nic_name": "ens3"}, {"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:51", "logical_nic_name": "ens4"},{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:61", "logical_nic_name": "ens5"}] }, { "network_yaml": $NMSTATE_YAML2, "mac_interface_map": [{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:22", "logical_nic_name": "ens3"}, {"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:52", "logical_nic_name": "ens4"},{"mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:11:42:62", "logical_nic_name": "ens5"}] } ] }' > nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG
Create the infra-env and get its UUID
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG ${AI_URL}/api/assisted-install/v2/infra-envs | jq . export INFRAENV_ID=$(curl -X GET "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/infra-envs" -H "accept: application/json" | jq -r '.[].id' | awk 'NR<2') echo $INFRAENV_ID rm -rf nmstate-$NIC_CONFIG
Patch the infra-env
The infra-env just created contains the network and cluster details. For the nodes to use the local registry, we want to modify /etc/containers/registries.conf and copy the content of Certs/rootCA.pem to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/registry.crt. That is done by using ignition_config_override parameter when patching the infra-env.
Method 1
Create registries.conf
cat << EOF > registries.conf unqualified-search-registries = ["", ""] short-name-mode = "" [[registry]] prefix = "" location = "${LOCAL_REGISTRY}" insecure = true EOF
Patch the infra-env with the following command:
jq -n --arg OVERRIDE "{\"ignition\": {\"version\": \"3.1.0\"}, \"storage\": {\"files\": [{\"path\": \"/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/registry.crt\", \"mode\": 420, \"overwrite\": true, \"user\": {\"name\": \"root\"}, \"contents\": {\"source\": \"data:text/plain;base64,$(cat Certs/rootCA.pem | base64 -w 0)\"}}, {\"path\": \"/etc/containers/registries.conf\", \"mode\": 420, \"overwrite\": true, \"user\": {\"name\": \"root\"}, \"contents\": {\"source\": \"data:text/plain;base64,$(cat registries.conf | base64 -w 0)\"}}]}}" \ '{ "ignition_config_override": $OVERRIDE }' > ignition-registry curl \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request PATCH \ --data @ignition-registry \ "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/infra-envs/$INFRAENV_ID"
That ensures that when the nodes are being provisioned, the required files will be written with the specified rights and at the proper location
Method 2
For better visibility we can also create the content of ignition_config_override as follow:
OVERRIDE=$(jq -ncR --arg ROOTCA64 "$(cat Certs/rootCA.pem | base64 -w 0)" --arg REG64 "$(cat registries.conf | base64 -w 0)" \ '{ "ignition": { "version": "3.1.0" }, "storage": { "files": [ { "path": "/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/registry.crt", "mode": 420, "overwrite": true, "user": { "name": "root" }, "contents": { "source": "data:text/plain;base64,\($ROOTCA64)" } }, { "path": "/etc/containers/registries.conf", "mode": 420, "overwrite": true, "user": { "name": "root" }, "contents": { "source": "data:text/plain;base64,\($REG64)" } } ] } }')
Write the content to a JSON file
jq -n --arg OVERRIDE "$OVERRIDE" \ '{ "ignition_config_override": $OVERRIDE }' > rootca-registries.json
Patch the infra
curl \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request PATCH \ --data @rootca-registries.json \ "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/infra-envs/$INFRAENV_ID"
Get patched infra specs
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request GET "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/infra-envs/$INFRAENV_ID"|jq -r .
Download the ISO
ISO_URL=$(curl -X GET "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/infra-envs/$INFRAENV_ID/downloads/image-url" -H "accept: application/json"|jq -r .url) rm -rf /opt/discovery_image_ocpd.iso curl -X GET "$ISO_URL" -H "accept: application/octet-stream" -o /opt/images/discovery_image_ocpd.iso
Create and boot the nodes from created ISO
It's now time to create our nodes and boot them from the ISO we just created. Depending on the IaaS platform, the process might differ (Examples of automation of this process with terraform can be found in the terraform folder).
Watch the nodes being discovered on the GUI and trigger the deployment
Kick off the deployment and wait for it to complete
sleep 120 ###Time needed for the nodes to boot and being in ready state ####Start Deployment### curl -X POST \ "$AI_URL/api/assisted-install/v2/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/actions/install" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json"
⚠ Monitor assisted service by watching the pod logs:
podman logs -f assisted-installer-service
- Install oc-mirror cli
tar -xvf oc-mirror.tar.gz
chmod +x oc-mirror
sudo mv oc-mirror /usr/local/bin/.
oc-mirror version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"", Minor:"", GitVersion:"", GitCommit:"4b43175880b66615935e6817c61d43f05ce91a0e", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-05-30T21:14:55Z", GoVersion:"go1.18", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
oc-mirror the single tool for all your OpenShift content mirroring needs. Creates initial mirror and keeps it updated. This cli tool offers same experience as connected customers.
- Download your pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager and save it to a .json file and place at ~/.docker/config.json. This config.json file is needed to access Red Hat repositories to download container images or to create tarball.
To have more information regarding oc-mirror cli you can have a look here. oc-mirror is a powerful cli tool for Content Discovery or Mirroring
- The most important file is the imageset-config.yaml (ImageSetConfiguration) definition. ⚠ for all the test here we are using oc-mirror version it's important because the ImageSetConfiguration can changed with version. You can find more information for the ImageSetConfiguration Spec v1alpha2
kind: ImageSetConfiguration
- name: stable-4.10
- catalog:
- name: advanced-cluster-management
[root@bastion ~]# oc-mirror --config=./imageset-config.yaml file://openshift410
Creating directory: openshift410/oc-mirror-workspace/src/publish
Creating directory: openshift410/oc-mirror-workspace/src/v2
Creating directory: openshift410/oc-mirror-workspace/src/charts
backend is not configured in ./imageset-config.yaml, using stateless mode
backend is not configured in ./imageset-config.yaml, using stateless mode
No metadata detected, creating new workspace
Sqlite-based catalogs and their related subcommands are deprecated. Support for
them will be removed in a future release. Please migrate your catalog workflows
to the new file-based catalog format.
wrote mirroring manifests to openshift410/oc-mirror-workspace/operators.1654246378/manifests-redhat-operator-index
To upload local images to a registry, run:
oc adm catalog mirror file://redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.10 REGISTRY/REPOSITORY
info: Mirroring completed in 5m33.47s (75.05MB/s)
Creating archive /root/oc-mirror/openshift410/mirror_seq1_000000.tar
[root@mirror-ocp oc-mirror]# ls -hltr openshift410/
total 25G
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25G 3 juin 09:00 mirror_seq1_000000.tar
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 3 juin 09:00 oc-mirror-workspace
By using this command we are creating a tarball (mirror_seq1_000000.tar in this case) into the directory openshift410 and when it's done we can publish the content to the mirror registry using :
BASTIONFQDN=$(hostname -f)
oc-mirror --from ./openshift410 docker://$LOCAL_REGISTRY
oc-mirror --from ./openshift410 docker://$LOCAL_REGISTRY
Checking push permissions for mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443
Publishing image set from archive "./openshift410" to registry "mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443"
metadata has single-use label, using stateless mode
metadata has single-use label, using stateless mode
info: Mirroring completed in 3.66s (73.4MB/s)
Wrote release signatures to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654246874
Rendering catalog image "mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.10" with file-based catalog
Wrote CatalogSource manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654247712
Wrote ICSP manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654247712
[root@mirror-ocp results-1654247712]# pwd
[root@mirror-ocp results-1654247712]# ls -ltr
total 68
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59914 3 juin 09:15 mapping.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 238 3 juin 09:15 catalogSource-redhat-operator-index.yaml
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 981 3 juin 09:15 imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
[root@mirror-ocp results-1654247712]# cat catalogSource-redhat-operator-index.yaml
kind: CatalogSource
name: redhat-operator-index
namespace: openshift-marketplace
image: mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.10
sourceType: grpc
[root@mirror-ocp results-1654247712]# cat imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
labels: "true"
name: operator-0
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/rhacm2
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/redhat
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/openshift4
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/rhel8
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
name: release-0
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/openshift/release-images
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/openshift/release
You have to execute the 2 files generated on top of your OCP cluster using :
oc apply -f imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
oc apply -f catalogSource-redhat-operator-index.yaml
- To avoid the backend WARNING we can add a StorageConfig section into the ImageSetConfiguration definition like : locally on disk
kind: ImageSetConfiguration
archiveSize: 1
path: /home/user/workspace
or directly to a repository
kind: ImageSetConfiguration
imageURL: localhost:5000/metadata:latest
skipTLS: true
Here a ImageSetConfiguration.yaml file pushing directly the content to the target repository. Example
[root@mirror-ocp oc-mirror]# oc-mirror --config ./imageset-config-repos.yaml docker://$LOCAL_REGISTRY
Checking push permissions for mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443
Found: oc-mirror-workspace/src/publish
Found: oc-mirror-workspace/src/v2
Found: oc-mirror-workspace/src/charts
No metadata detected, creating new workspace
Sqlite-based catalogs and their related subcommands are deprecated. Support for
them will be removed in a future release. Please migrate your catalog workflows
to the new file-based catalog format.
wrote mirroring manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/operators.1654249214/manifests-redhat-operator-index
To upload local images to a registry, run:
oc adm catalog mirror file://redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.10 REGISTRY/REPOSITORY
sha256:027910b90e729e1d0ac1f80ebfbc46ea89543e1178f95b5874dc80712eccef30 mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/rhacm2/memcached-rhel8:810785da
sha256:8c3ad6b0170ad3aae144559e751a7651abeec4e031087c96a6bbde8a3786b646 mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/rhacm2/cluster-curator-controller-rhel8:eb447859
sha256:10b845928340678ab6500b2919c960e5b04d7a67ebe28d0dfe3309eb53c903b8 mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/rhacm2/clusterclaims-controller-rhel8:546946e1
info: Mirroring completed in 5.27s (0B/s)
Rendering catalog image "mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.10" with file-based catalog
Wrote CatalogSource manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654249528
Wrote ICSP manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654249528
- To keep mirror up-to-date:
- Run oc-mirror again, with the same or updated config file
- List updates since last run for releases and operators
oc-mirror list updates imageset-config-repos.yaml
oc-mirror list updates imageset-config-repos.yaml
Listing update for release channel: stable-4.10
Architecture: amd64
No updates found for catalog
Now I'm using a new ImageSetConfiguration.yaml file (imageset-config-new.yaml) in which I added the operator RHACS.
oc-mirror --config ./imageset-config-new.yaml docker://$LOCAL_REGISTRY
sha256:ff3a43f36b3cef242ec51bf100e8960289db7bbfb433f3a505e092f09de62bae mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/openshift4/ose-kube-rbac-proxy:65f4df2e
info: Mirroring completed in 4m3.36s (81.6MB/s)
Rendering catalog image "mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.10" with file-based catalog
Wrote CatalogSource manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654252147
Wrote ICSP manifests to oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654252147
Inside the oc-mirror-workspace/results-1654252147 we can see the Content of the file imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml contains a section with RHACS operator (rh-acs) now. This file as to be applied on the OCP cluster to use it.
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
labels: "true"
name: operator-0
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/redhat
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/rh-acs
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/advanced-cluster-security
- mirrors:
- mirror-ocp.ocpd.nutarh.lab:8443/openshift4
- Differential mirror
- will only download newer OCP releases
- will only download newer Operator versions
- Produces new catalog images in place for seamless operator updates
⚠ Mirroring the official Red Hat OpenShift Operators catalog (containing Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh, Pipelines, GitOps and others) will consume more than 350GB for the whole catalog.
OperatorHub: 3 catalogs, to use optional Operators / OpenShift Layered Products Red Hat Operators (3100+ images, 220+ GB) Certified Operators (1600+ images, 160+ GB) Community Operators (2160+ images, 65+ GB)
we have to generate the list of all operators to include them into the ImageSetConfiguration file
when all operators are defined into ImageSetconfiguration file we have to run oc-mirror to update our mirroring repository.
List all available catalogs for a version of OpenShift
[root@mirror-ocp oc-mirror]# oc-mirror list operators --catalogs --version=4.10
Available OpenShift OperatorHub catalogs:
OpenShift 4.10:
- List all available packages in a catalog - here we selected
oc-mirror list operators
3scale-operator Red Hat Integration - 3scale threescale-2.11
advanced-cluster-management Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes release-2.4
amq-broker-rhel8 Red Hat Integration - AMQ Broker for RHEL 8 (Multiarch) 7.x
amq-online Red Hat Integration - AMQ Online stable
amq-streams Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams stable
amq7-interconnect-operator Red Hat Integration - AMQ Interconnect 1.10.x
ansible-automation-platform-operator Ansible Automation Platform stable-2.2-cluster-scoped
ansible-cloud-addons-operator Ansible Cloud Addons stable-2.2-cluster-scoped
apicast-operator Red Hat Integration - 3scale APIcast gateway threescale-2.11
aws-efs-csi-driver-operator AWS EFS CSI Driver Operator stable
businessautomation-operator Business Automation stable
cincinnati-operator OpenShift Update Service v1
cluster-kube-descheduler-operator Kube Descheduler Operator stable
cluster-logging Red Hat OpenShift Logging stable
clusterresourceoverride ClusterResourceOverride Operator stable
codeready-workspaces Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces latest
codeready-workspaces2 Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces - Technical Preview tech-preview-latest-all-namespaces
compliance-operator Compliance Operator release-0.1
container-security-operator Red Hat Quay Container Security Operator stable-3.7
costmanagement-metrics-operator Cost Management Metrics Operator stable
cryostat-operator Cryostat Operator stable
datagrid Data Grid 8.3.x
devworkspace-operator DevWorkspace Operator fast
dpu-network-operator DPU Network Operator stable
eap JBoss EAP stable
elasticsearch-operator OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator stable
external-dns-operator ExternalDNS Operator alpha
file-integrity-operator File Integrity Operator release-0.1
fuse-apicurito Red Hat Integration - API Designer fuse-apicurito-7.10.x
fuse-console Red Hat Integration - Fuse Console 7.10.x
fuse-online Red Hat Integration - Fuse Online 7.10.x
gatekeeper-operator-product Gatekeeper Operator stable
idp-mgmt-operator-product identity configuration management for Kubernetes alpha
integration-operator Red Hat Integration 1.x
jaeger-product Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform stable
jws-operator JBoss Web Server Operator alpha
kiali-ossm Kiali Operator stable
klusterlet-product Klusterlet release-2.4
kubernetes-nmstate-operator Kubernetes NMState Operator stable
kubevirt-hyperconverged OpenShift Virtualization stable
local-storage-operator Local Storage stable
loki-operator Loki Operator candidate
mcg-operator NooBaa Operator stable-4.10
metallb-operator MetalLB Operator stable
mtc-operator Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator release-v1.7
mtv-operator Migration Toolkit for Virtualization Operator release-v2.3
nfd Node Feature Discovery Operator stable
node-healthcheck-operator Node Health Check Operator candidate
node-maintenance-operator Node Maintenance Operator stable
numaresources-operator numaresources-operator 4.10
ocs-operator OpenShift Container Storage stable-4.10
odf-csi-addons-operator CSI Addons stable-4.10
odf-lvm-operator ODF LVM Operator stable-4.10
odf-multicluster-orchestrator ODF Multicluster Orchestrator stable-4.10
odf-operator OpenShift Data Foundation stable-4.10
odr-cluster-operator Openshift DR Cluster Operator stable-4.10
odr-hub-operator Openshift DR Hub Operator stable-4.10
openshift-cert-manager-operator cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift tech-preview
openshift-gitops-operator Red Hat OpenShift GitOps latest
openshift-pipelines-operator-rh Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines pipelines-1.7
openshift-secondary-scheduler-operator Secondary Scheduler Operator for Red Hat OpenShift stable
openshift-special-resource-operator Special Resource Operator stable
opentelemetry-product Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing data collection stable
performance-addon-operator Performance Addon Operator 4.10
poison-pill-manager Poison Pill Operator stable
ptp-operator PTP Operator stable
quay-bridge-operator Red Hat Quay Bridge Operator stable-3.7
quay-operator Red Hat Quay stable-3.7
red-hat-camel-k Red Hat Integration - Camel K 1.6.x
redhat-oadp-operator OADP Operator stable-1.0
rh-service-binding-operator Service Binding Operator stable
rhacs-operator Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes latest
rhpam-kogito-operator RHPAM Kogito Operator 7.x
rhsso-operator Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator stable
sandboxed-containers-operator OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator stable-1.2
serverless-operator Red Hat OpenShift Serverless stable
service-registry-operator Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator 2.0.x
servicemeshoperator Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh stable
skupper-operator Skupper alpha
sriov-network-operator SR-IOV Network Operator stable
submariner Submariner alpha-0.11
tang-operator Tang 0.0.24
vertical-pod-autoscaler VerticalPodAutoscaler stable
web-terminal Web Terminal fast
windows-machine-config-operator Windows Machine Config Operator stable
- To generate the list of all redhat operators
oc-mirror list operators | awk '{ print $1 }'| awk 'NR!=1 {print}' |awk '{print " - name: "$0}' > list-redhat-operators.lst
To see the content of list-redhat-operators.lst. By using a template of ImageSetConfiguration.yaml we can concatenate the result of the list-redhat-operators.lst with this template.
cat ImageSetConfig-template.yaml list-redhat-operators.lst > imageset-config-operator-redhat.yaml
A example of the imageset-config-operator-redhat.yaml generated.
- To generate the list of all operators available with the version 4.10 I created a shell script called, it will generate the list of all operators and it will upload all images inside the mirror registry.
Note: from operators file I deleted this operator :
- name: fujitsu-enterprise-postgres-operator
it generated error with the container image.
I removed the section relative to the marketplace (redhat-marketplace-index) I don't have access
catalog failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 401 Unauthorized
Same for the community-operators (community-operator-index ). The final file used is operators
Mirror the new Openshift version to your mirror registry using oc-mirror
check the signature into ./oc-mirror-workspace/src/release-signatures directory.
[root@mirror-ocp release-signatures]# pwd
[root@mirror-ocp release-signatures]# ls -ltr
total 4
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1540 7 juin 13:40 signature-sha256-ddcb70ce04a01ce4.json
[root@mirror-ocp release-signatures]#[root@mirror-ocp release-signatures]# cat signature-sha256-ddcb70ce04a01ce4.json
- on your Openshift Cluster Target import the signature
oc create -f signature-sha256-ddcb70ce04a01ce4.json
- Upgrade the target Openshift Cluster to the new version using the oc adm upgrade command like :
oc adm upgrade --allow-explicit-upgrade --to-image<SHA-SIGNATURE>
oc adm upgrade --allow-explicit-upgrade --to-image