Formal Derivation is a graphical application developed as part of the "Introduction to Programming" course. This program facilitates the symbolic derivation of a given function, solving first and second-degree equations, and presenting the solutions in a visually accessible manner.
- Symbolic Derivation:
- The application accepts a function as input in the form of a character string.
- The expression is transformed into postfix notation to facilitate further processing.
- Binary Tree Representation:
- The program creates a binary tree associated with the given function expression.
- This binary tree serves as the foundation for subsequent derivation operations.
- Derivation Process:
- The application derives the function symbolically by operating on the binary tree.
- The derivative tree is generated, and several simplifications are applied to enhance readability.
Equation Solving:
The program is equipped to solve both first and second-degree equations.
- Solutions to the equations are presented, offering a comprehensive overview.
- Graphical Presentation:
- Utilizing the WinBGIm graphics library, the application provides a graphical representation of the derived function and equation solutions.
- Compile the Source Code:
- Ensure that you have a C/C++ compiler installed.
- Compile the source code using the appropriate compilation commands.
- Run the Application:
- Before running, make sure that you have installed the "graphics.h" library
- Execute the compiled program to launch the Formal Derivation application.