This is a collection of applications which are dealing with the following concepts:
- Chronometer : Graphic interfaces using Swing + Threads
- FileReader : Graphic interfaces using Swing + Working with IO streams and files
- Home_Automation : Singleton controller + Designing and implementing java applications + Threads
- Railway_Traffic_Simulator : Concept of Controller + Graphic interfaces using Swing
- Stock_Manager : Model-View-Controller design pattern + Graphic interfaces using Swing
- Temperature_Monitor : Observer-Observable design pattern + Graphic interfaces using Swing
- Tic-tac-toe : Graphic interfaces using Swing , GridLayout
The applications containts a basic chronometer (UI) will have 2 main buttons.
The first button starts and pauses the chronometer and the second is used to reset it.
The chronometer is implemented as a java thread, using a class Counter, which extends Thread.
For the implentation of this behavior, functions like : wait/notify/synchrnozed are used.
This is the main interface, with the two start/pause and reset buttons.
The start button calls to start() method of the Counter Thread, while the pause changes an attribute boolean pause of the Counter class.
When paused, the synchronized pause() method is called and when not, the synchronized increase() method is called
,increasing the value of the counter, which is constantly being updated in the UI.
This is a basic implementation, but it can be the base for developing new features like:
- a better, more complex UI, which may include TextFields for the miliseconds or minutes, more buttons and more frendly graphics
- new behaviors like: counting down, programmed countdown or pop-ups to alert the user
- debouncer for the buttons
This is an application which let a user enter a file name in a text field and then, when a button is pressed,
displays the content of the file in a text area, basically acting like a file reader.
If the file does not exists in the respective folder, a message is dispalyed accordingly.
This is the main look of the applications, considering 2 chances where the files exist and another one,
where there is no file with that respective name.
No file Some file some other file
The application functions considering only a limited searching space for the files.
It can modified to search any file, from any folder, as long as the String used for the path is correctly build.
The content could be displayed on a different window, we just need to create a different frame to hold the information.
The application contains 5 packages:
The controller class, the control unit, implemented using Singleton design pattern
,which take as parameters instances of the other units, controlling their functionalities. -
The events are children of the parent abstract class Event, each of them describing different situations, stored in an enum. -
The sensors are implementations of the abstract class Sensor, each of them having different functionalities.
Fire rule: if fire sensor is activated then alarm starts and the owner is called
Temperature rules: if temperature is lower than a preset value then the heating unit turns on
and if temperature is higher than a preset value, then the cooling unit is activated.
System includes one temperature sensor but multiple fire sensors. -
They assure the main functionalities : alarm unit, heating unit, cooling unit and gsm unit. -
The main class uses a Thread a simulate the functionalities.
The simulate() function calls the controller control() function and mimics the steps, also displaying the events in a file.
//test using an anonymous inner class
Home h = new Home() {
protected void setValueInEnvironment(ArrayList<Event> events) {
System.out.println("The list of new events in the environment which happened : " + events.toString());
protected void controlStep() {
System.out.println("Control step executed\n");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void simulate() throws IOException {
int k = 0;
while (k < SIMULATION_STEPS) {
ArrayList<Event> events = this.getHomeEvent();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Here is the UML class diagram of the application :
The application contains 3 entities classes :
Basic class which models a train. -
A class whos instances will be controlled by the controller (train station).
This class will contain an instance of the Train class, implementing different methods which simulates the flow on the transport: departures, arrivals, availability, etc. -
This class practically models a particular train station,
which is unique and manages the segments, most of the times considering its neighbouring stations,
monitoring the availability of a particualr segment and managing the flow of the transports.
void controlStep() {
//check which train must be sent
for (Segment segment : list) {
if (segment.hasTrain()) {
Train t = segment.getTrain();
for (Controller neighbourController : neighbourControllers) {
if (t.getDestination().equals(neighbourController.stationName)) {
//check if there is a free segment
int id = neighbourController.getFreeSegmentId();
if (id == -1) {
System.out.println("The train " + + " from station " + stationName + " could not be send to " + neighbourController.stationName + ". No segment available !");
//send train
System.out.println("The train " + + " leaves the station " + stationName + " heading to " + neighbourController.stationName);
neighbourController.arriveTrain(t, id);
public void arriveTrain(Train t, int idSegment) {
for (Segment segment : list) {
//search id segment and add train on it
if ( == idSegment)
if (segment.hasTrain()) {
System.out.println("CRASH! Train " + + " collided with " + segment.getTrain().name + " on segment " + + " in station " + stationName);
} else {
System.out.println("Train " + + " arrived on segment " + + " in station " + stationName);
//this should not happen
System.out.println("Train " + + " cannot be received " + stationName + ". Check controller logic algorithm!");
The application also contains 1 main class, the Simulator :
This class uses the graphical interfaces of Swing to display the stations and offers the user functionalities like adding a segemnt to a station.
The application is created using the Model-View-Controller design pattern, and implicitly, it contains the following packages:
Which contains the ProductModel class, which models the product entity and implements the methods addProduct(), deleteProduct() and other methods which change the data within the stock. -
Which contains the ProductViewController class, which incorporates a instance of the productModel and creates a graphic interface which allows the user to use the methods implemented in the model.
An example of such graphic implemenation on a button would be:
class ImplementAddButton implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if ((!tProductName.getText().equals("")) && (!tProductPrice.getText().equals("")) && (!tProductQuantity.getText().equals(""))) {
textArea.setText("Product Added!");
} else {
textArea.setText("Failed to add! \nCheck if all inputs are filled correctly!");
bAddProduct.addActionListener(new ImplementAddButton());
- main
The main StockManager class, which contains an instance of the ProductsViewController, as a presentation.
The main interface and the implementation of the functionalies for the user are presented below: