The main purpose of this project is to test what kind of solutions you can give to certain day-to-day tasks and how well you can accomplish good practices. Do not aim to take the test in the shortest possible time, but with the highest quality, you can achieve.
You will develop an application for listing TV series, using the API provided by the TVMaze website. You can find the API [here][0].
List all of the series contained in the API used by the paging scheme provided by the API.
Allow users to search series by name.
The listing and search views must show at least the name and poster image of the series.
After clicking on a series, the application should show the details of the series, showing the following information:
- Name
- Poster
- Days and time during which the series airs
- Genres
- Summary
- List of episodes separated by season
After clicking on an episode, the application should show the episode’s information, including:
- Name
- Number
- Season
- Summary
- Image, if there is one
- Allow the user to set a PIN number to secure the application and prevent unauthorized users.
- For supported phones, the user must be able to choose if they want to enable fingerprint authentication to avoid typing the PIN number while opening the app.
- Allow the user to save a series as a favorite.
- Allow the user to delete a series from the favorites list.
- Allow the user to browse their favorite series in alphabetical order, and click on one to see its details.
- Create a people search by listing the name and image of the person.
- After clicking on a person, the application should show the details of that person, such
- Name
- Image
- Series they have participated in, with a link to the series details.
- One of the evaluated criteria is UI / UX notion, so no interface mockup is presented. We do not expect a design masterpiece in your application, but we want an application that respects the guidelines of the platform and that has no usability problems.
- Keep your code and classes well organized.
- Follow the requested proposal. If you want to add new features to the app to make your project even better, complete all tasks first.
- Unit testing is a plus.
- Extra features are also a plus.
When you finish the assignment, generate the application apk, and place it into a distribution folder. Then, share the repository link with your initial contact via email. Indicate which, if any, of the bonus tasks you completed. If you didn’t manage to finish everything, please tell us which parts you completed.