EST client - RFC 7030 - Enrollment over Secure Transport
// EST client. Username and password will be used for basic auth.
// serverCert contains the EST server certificate in PEM format.
client := est.Client{
URLPrefix: "",
Username: "estuser",
Password: "estpwd",
ServerCert: serverCert}
// Get EST server CA certs in PEM format.
caCerts, err := client.CaCerts()
// Create CSR. CreateCsr returns the CSR and the private key generated
// in PEM format.
commonName := "Test"
country := "FR"
state := "Guadeloupe"
city := "Anse Bananier"
organization := "Relax"
organizationalUnit := "Secret"
emailAddress := ""
priv, csr, err := est.CreateCsr(commonName, country, state, city,
organization, organizationalUnit,
// Enroll using the CSR. SimpleEnroll returns the signed cert in PEM format.
cert, err = client.SimpleEnroll(csr)
// Reenroll using the CSR.
cert, err = client.SimpleReenroll(csr, nil, nil)
// Reenroll using the CSR and the client cert/key for authentication.
cert, err = client.SimpleReenroll(csr, cert, priv)
Out of Scope:
- §3.3.3 - Certificate-less TLS Mutual Authentication.
- §3.5 - Linking Identity and PoP information.
- §4.3 - CMC.
- §4.4 - Server-side key generation.
- §4.5 - CSR attributes.