This Bash script enables remote shell access via a provided URL, executing commands on the remote system and displaying the results.
To use this script, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local system.
git clone
- Navigate to the cloned directory.
cd getShell
- Run the script providing the URL of the remote shell.
./ -u URL
Where URL is the address of the remote shell you wish to access.
The script supports the following options:
-u URL: Specifies the URL of the remote shell.
-h: Displays the help panel, describing the usage and available options of the script.
This script requires having the curl command installed on your system to make HTTP requests to the remote shell.
./ -u
This command will establish a connection to the remote shell hosted at
This Python script provides functionality for a remote shell, allowing users to execute commands on the remote system and view the output.
Same as bash, but run the script.
rlwrap python3
You will be prompted with a shell prompt where you can input commands. Enter commands as needed.
Python 3
requests library (pip install requests)
Executes commands on the remote system.
Displays the output of the executed commands.
Supports clearing the output after each command execution.
Ensure that the remote server's IP address and endpoint in the script match your setup. Modify the requests.get calls in the runCMD and writeCMD functions accordingly.
To s4vitar ( for the bash course, where I take those scripts.