# show values of the PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables
# varaible's value are split on delimeter ':' for unix systems and ';'
# on windows. You can control the delimeter with -d.
# show value of the PATH variable, and filter it's split values with a
# regular expression
envy -s PATH -r "/usr"
# list all the environment variables
envy -ls
# list the environment variables that have an underscore in them
# -ls takes a regular expression as a filter
envy -ls ".*_.*"
# append a path to the PATH environment variable
envy -a PATH "/path/to/append"
# put a value into a new or existing environment variable YOSHI
envy -p YOSHI "yoshi's value"
# delete (kill) an environment variable
envy -k YOSHI
# print a markdown table from a csv, tsv, or tab file.
mdutil --table data.csv