Rename XML files containing metadata for archival description created by the DiPS digital preservation solution.
DiPS writes some information from every ingest to an XML file informally called
dipsExport or vzs file (due to the XML root element or the directory to which
these files are written, respectively, where "vzs" means "Verzeichnungssystem").
The files are named after their ingest's transaction ID (e.g.,
) which makes it a little hard for a
human being to find the right file for a given ingest. This script renames the
files based on their human-readable transaction number (not ID) and provenance
name. See below for an example.
Just Python without any additional libraries is required. For installation on a Linux system you may use the provided Makefile. Otherwise just run the renamevzs Python script.
Consider an XML file c845750e-9296-11ee-8821-005056871b7c.xml
conforming to
the dipsExport schema with the transaction number "dips-2023-12" recorded in the
XML element transactionNumber
and provenance "Ministerium für Zauberei"
recorded in the XML element provenanceName
. Running this command:
$ renamevzs c845750e-9296-11ee-8821-005056871b7c.xml
... will copy the file to dips-2023-012_ministerium_für_zauberei.dips.xml
Yes, that's all. Nothing fancy, it just renames the file to make it more
Some additional options are available:
usage: renamevzs [-h] [-d DEST] [-m] [-w WIDTH] [files ...]
Copy dipsExport files, giving them nice names
positional arguments:
files dipsExport XML files
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DEST, --dest DEST destination directory (default: same as input file)
-m, --move move, don't copy
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
width of the last part of the transaction number
(default: 3)