This project creates a simple online examination page with a graphical user interface (GUI). Let's break it down step by step:
1- Package and Creator Comments:
- The code starts with a comment that mentions the package name (onlineexamination) and the creator's name (Laxman Singh Negi).
2- Import Statements:
- The code imports various classes from the Java Swing library (javax.swing) for creating the GUI.
3- Class Definitions:
- login and OnlineTestBegin are two classes defined in the code.
4- login class:
This class extends the JFrame class and implements the ActionListener interface. This means it creates a window for the user to log in.
It contains components like labels, text fields, and a submit button.
When the submit button is clicked, it checks for a valid password. If the password is not entered, it prompts the user to do so.
5- OnlineTestBegin class:
This class also extends the JFrame class and implements the ActionListener interface. It represents the main window for the online test.
It includes labels, radio buttons, "Next" and "Skip" buttons, and a timer.
The questions and options are set based on the current question number. The user can select an option and proceed to the next question.
The timer counts down from 10 minutes, and if time runs out, it displays "Time Out".
The user can also review questions and check their score at the end.
6- Constructor and Components:
In both classes, there are constructors where various components like labels, buttons, text fields, etc., are initialized and added to the GUI.7Action Listeners:
Both classes have methods to handle actions (button clicks). When a button is clicked, the program responds accordingly.
7- Method Definitions:
set(): This method sets the question and options based on the current question number.
check(): This method checks if the user's answer is correct based on the current question.
8- Main Method:
The main method is in the OnlineExamination class.
It creates an instance of the login class, sets its size, and makes it visible. This is how the program starts.
9- Exception Handling:
- There is a try-catch block that catches any exceptions and displays an error message dialog if an exception occurs.
=> Overall, this code creates a simple GUI-based online examination program where users can log in, take a multiple-choice test, and receive a score at the end. The test has a time limit, and users can skip questions and review them later.