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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

blocked ⛔
blocked :no_entry:
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working
can't reproduce 🤷
can't reproduce :shrug:
design 🎨
design :art:
documentation 📘
documentation :blue_book:
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate 👭
duplicate :two_women_holding_hands:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement ✨
enhancement :sparkles:
New feature or request
maintenance ⚙️
maintenance :gear:
priority 1️⃣
priority :one:
priority 3️⃣
priority :three:
priority 2️⃣
priority :two:
question ❓
question :question:
Further information is requested
regression ⬇️
regression :arrow_down:
won't fix 🚫
won't fix :no_entry_sign:
This will not be worked on