This a Udacity Project.Sunshine App is a weather App that could tell weather of any inputed location .It collects its weather data from Open Weather Map website.
##Library Used:
- AppCompat Library
- Volley Library
- Picasso Library
- Muzei Library
- RecyclerView and CardView
- Weather details for next 14 days could be known to user based on any type of inputed location be it pincode,city name or latitudes and longitude.
- Clicking on a weather of a day user could get other details about that day's weather such as its humidity,wind-speed.
- Using Gcm we could get regular updates about today's weather in form of notification.
- It uses Muzei library so that wallpaper could be updated according to today's weather.
- It provide compatiblity with tablets and other sizes phones.
The content of this repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.